dumbat wrote:
TofuTheGreat wrote:
I always use the save for the web and optimize to the file size limit. It works for jpegs just as well as the gifs.
that's interesting. i'll have to compare the look of the 2 methods. often when stepping down 1 level in jpeg quality the filesize drops from above 512 to way below and it's a bit annoying
ok i'm only asking because i'd like to know i did a gif that will be coming out soon and i'm not happy w/ it after i optimized it to 510 kb from a starting point of 2 mb so could i have left it and just hit save for eb and done the kb of 512 and it would have done it for me automatically? i don't do alot of animated gifs so this would be a cool thing to learn. sorry if its off topic
It doesn't do it automatically, but it gives you a bunch of options like dither or no dither, lossiness, # of colors, size (dimensions, you can work on a big version of your image, then change the dimensions later to meet any requirements you have while still having a high res version).
I use save for web all the time simply because it lets you preview what it will look like once it's saved.