hmmm ... sometimes life's a bit hairy

mines like Sasquatch....and not that combed out Harry and the Hendersons breed either....it has dreed locks....and some kinda monkey hair looking fur....perhaps just a few dingleberry's

.....with all the mass wad of hair...it's hard to say....i do get a whiff of something damn close to dingleberry scent...that's for sure.
I really am disappointed....i just knew we were going to get to the bottom of this God thing..I though that if it was finally solved anywhere...PSC would be it..

...Well did anyone convert????.

If anyone feels the need to come down this day, and confess your sins.....will they come now......

Why on sunday....do i feel like he is talking mainly to me.

Ya'll buncha doubting THOMAS.

......ya'll wearing out the rooster...poor animal looks a might ragged.....but when ya'll here....Aight!!....ya'll get'n tha truck....We goin to da big house.....i don't won't anyone pulling out no petrified trees...and bone's of whales.....and no spitting out the back of the truck....(rednecks will know why

The Art of War...SUN CHEWIE:....you can live with a man/woman all thier life...and feel you know them so well, that you know thier every feeling and stance on every subject.
Now take that person to the tallest, hottest volcano....and just before pushing them to thier death....only then will you meet the true person....
Think about it. I been on the recieving end of hostile fire.....when the bullets sound like a cartoon....with that zipping zinging whistle as they cut the wind right beside you.....and after the adrenalin leaves and your breathing slows and your heart is not the loudest sound you here....it'll sure make you HOPE....i would'nt call it faith.....but you'll hope like hell gods with you....and your ass will pray he is going back tommorrow.