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Location: Belgium
Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:57 pm Reply with quote
Paul Von Stetina wrote: Sorry Judy  these threads can get offtrack sometimes lol
haha, no kidding 
Location: Belgium
Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:58 pm Reply with quote
Paul Von Stetina wrote: Sorry Judy  these threads can get offtrack sometimes lol
She has 8 votes by now, so something good came out of this 
Location: Everywhere
Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:35 pm Reply with quote
So much for not posting your chop in a forum while a contest is still open. No wonder there is so many people against the voting system here.
Sorry, Birdtoes and anyone else that thinks I am complaining. I don't want to step on anyone's toes or anything. I just don't think this is right. Please don't hate me. 
Location: UnitedStates
Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:11 am Reply with quote
manic_d wrote: okay Paul. ugh.. 2 years.. no showers. what in hell do you do for entertainment? much less there had to be more than one bathroom in that place... that is horrible. Pitiful really that somebody that mental. I am horrified and saddened by that.
Wichita Eagle newspaper has a few more details...
wonder what kinds of dinners he brought her... couldn't be tv dinners....
oh my
Location: Virginia, USA
Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:25 am Reply with quote
Oh, my goodness, love that bag o' Ariel!
Judy Ariel
yello_piggy wrote:
just have no opinion this time!
Location: Virginia, USA
Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:27 am Reply with quote
manic_d wrote: well spoldge must have removed the horrible note, I did not find any comment on it so who left it? Sometimes we get 12 year olds here, sometimes 58 year olds.. it's all about the same mentality lol ..your work is cute- nothing wrong with your work. It is hard to get votes here. I spent months running with 1-2 votes on entrys.
Yes, the comment was removed, which I must admit surprised me. I don't remember the name of who left it, but I hear he or she is a youngster. Thanks so much for your kind remarks! Yup, it sure is hard to get votes here but it spurs me, at least, on to keep learning.
Judy Ariel
Location: Virginia, USA
Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:27 am Reply with quote
kinetic_be wrote: Paul Von Stetina wrote:
Oh my... !!!!!!
I had to read it 3x to believe what I was reading..
That's just.. insane 
Location: Virginia, USA
Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:28 am Reply with quote
Paul Von Stetina wrote: Sorry Judy  these threads can get offtrack sometimes lol
Fine with me!
Judy Ariel
Location: Virginia, USA
Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:30 am Reply with quote
kinetic_be wrote: Paul Von Stetina wrote: Sorry Judy  these threads can get offtrack sometimes lol
She has 8 votes by now, so something good came out of this 
I'm happy to have the votes and comments! But I sure didn't start this thread to get 'em
Judy Ariel
Thu Mar 13, 2008 11:15 am Reply with quote
I know that Birdtoes probably did not realize that posting this in the forum was not a good idea but keep in mind Cheryl that she is new. Maybe a pm instead of a public scold would have been a better idea.
If we are ugly to our new users they won't want to be here or participate and the site will not have an infusion of fresh ideas. There has to be a way to inform them and not drive them off.
Hang in Birdtoes. 
Location: Everywhere
Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:13 pm Reply with quote
manic_d wrote: I know that Birdtoes probably did not realize that posting this in the forum was not a good idea but keep in mind Cheryl that she is new. Maybe a pm instead of a public scold would have been a better idea.
If we are ugly to our new users they won't want to be here or participate and the site will not have an infusion of fresh ideas. There has to be a way to inform them and not drive them off.
Hang in Birdtoes. 
Manic, I wasn't scolding her I was just making a point overall. No one seemed to have a problem scolding me when I was new and making it a public announcement for me and the same goes for anyone else that has done this. I don't see what the difference is now. I was nice about it, I wasn't trying to be mean at all.
I am so done with this site and its methods and favoritisms anyways. I have kept my mouth shut about a lot of the crap here because I didn't want to get involved or cause an uproar, but it's real hard not to when you see several people get told the same thing over and over again, but then one comes along and gets special treatment, not cool in my book. Once my advantage expires I will be gone. (This is not your fault in the least, I would just rather go to a site that is more ethical in its voting procedures).
Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:48 pm Reply with quote
I value you and would hate to see you leave. Please reconsider. Maybe in the past (before my day) they were a rude lot and they should have been kinder to you. My whole idea was to have ugh here it comes a kinder place. What they did in the past maybe wasn't right and maybe it did run off users that would have hung around. If you stay maybe you can help change things. I don't want to be the catalyst that turns you off this site. It can be great site. I vote for what I like and hope everybody else votes the same way.
Location: Everywhere
Thu Mar 13, 2008 1:20 pm Reply with quote
manic_d wrote: Cheryl,
I value you and would hate to see you leave. Please reconsider. Maybe in the past (before my day) they were a rude lot and they should have been kinder to you. My whole idea was to have ugh here it comes a kinder place. What they did in the past maybe wasn't right and maybe it did run off users that would have hung around. If you stay maybe you can help change things. I don't want to be the catalyst that turns you off this site. It can be great site. I vote for what I like and hope everybody else votes the same way.
Manic, believe me it's not you in the least  I have been planning to leave for a little while now, it's not just the voting, it's lots of things. I am not the only one that has had problems with the voting and favoritism here, among other things. This topic has come up again and again and I won't change a thing by staying here, no one in the past has changed a thing and I won't be any different. I think what set me off the most is that everyone voted for birdtoes image, but not one offered any type of critique, that to me just didn't seem right. How is voting for her, but not helping her any good for her to achieve better PS skills. I don't know, maybe it's just me. But, it's what I believe. Sorry.
Location: Geordieland, UK
Thu Mar 13, 2008 1:37 pm Reply with quote
manic_d wrote: If we are ugly to our new users they won't want to be here or participate and the site will not have an infusion of fresh ideas.
 I almost fell off my seat!!!! Aaaaah, priceless!!!
I agree with Cheryl 100%! The Vote Whore Police should have been on to this one.
Stick in Cheryl and don't let the bastards grind you down!!! 
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