in light of all the sad shit that has been going around... i thought i'd be a jackass and in hopes try and make you guys smile....
ok so here it goes....
i have a complaint!!!!
i must say that marty's avator... has been Mooning me for the last week or so.... i'm sorry that butt is soooo damn white

you would think that him living in warm cali his ass would be tan and all....( you know hes a pimp and all )
hell all it does is rain here non stop and now i feel tan
marty you know i love ya buddy and am only kidding.... i love you all ( well most of ya )
so here you go new game or possible fun idea??? other wise this will just go to hell next thing...
say something funny about the next avator/person above you???
hey wait a minute... what the hell... that makes me next...

go ahead you know you wanna...
(keep this thread clean and non offensive please and don't let it go in a bad direction)