Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - THERE IS SO MUCH FAVORITISM IN THIS JOINT!!! - Reply to topic
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Site Moderator
Location: Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette, finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet.
Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:59 pm Reply with quote
Eve wrote: ummmmm....some ppl helped to get Julie banded already. Her works appear because they were in the queue before she was "deleted."
She was seriously banned?
Wow. I thought she just stopped making those comments.
Hmmmm. So we're still mad at her? lol 
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:01 pm Reply with quote
Eve wrote: ummmmm....some ppl helped to get Julie banded already. Her works appear because they were in the queue before she was "deleted."
Yeah but that link you put up isn't Julie's original log in, its her new one
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:20 pm Reply with quote
You know what I'd like to see? Ohhhhhh, it's soooo tingly.
I'd like to see, temporarily, a special side vote... in the right ad column
on every entry for a select panel to vote. Just a little teeny tiny box. That select vote area could only be voted in by.hehehehhehehe
those members who have earned Lifetime Advantage.
We'd only have a limited number of votes per contest..3..and we would maybe have three special mention votes, and three up&comertowatch votes per day.
Who wouldn't love to see the comparison of that vote column next to the actual daily votes? These wouldn't count or anything, not go in profiles, just for fun.
Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:08 pm Reply with quote
I have yet to receive pm's that beg me for votes. And I have had some entries with 60 votes on them, so I could receive 60 pm's every day, begging me for a vote..... Alas, nobody wants my vote.
And that is sad, because I have a serious problem. Some days go by unnoticed to me. Then I don't realise that I have to go back to the entries and look at them, and vote. Or I see the entries when the voting has closed. I am a true scatterbrain like that.
But, as I said, not many people notice me not voting, so I don't get any pokes in the pm to toss up the scores. That is why I don't understand or ever will understand the reasons for these kinds of forums on "friendly voting".
Location: Brisbane Australia
Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:08 pm Reply with quote
"Agree with Sean... STFUAC!
Or move over to  W1K
Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:44 pm Reply with quote
When I come across a newbie's work that is not that good, but say maybe the idea was good, I will tend to vote for them, and try to comment on what I do and don't like, I for one, am guilty of not spending as much time on chops as I would like, and for that I know that I get less votes, just like when I see a top Vet here that just threw something together, I will do my best to pass it by, especially if it has 30-40+ undeserved votes.
As we all know, on some rare days, 25 votes are not enough, and most days it's tough to just give out 10-15 deserving votes, I will not mention names, but I see some here that give out all 25 votes every day, and for some really low quality chops, it looks like it's done just to get votes in return, I'm so over getting bummed out for this that I just don't care anymore, it is funny how all of us go through this, so from now on, I will only post if I feel that I did my best, which is not always that good anyway.  One thing that will get better results from choppers, is that if you see something that is way off, just comment that you'll vote for it later after it's fixed, the old dangle the carrot routine will always get the jackass up the hill  however if you do that, make sure to go back and check, and vote if it was fixed.
Now get to work, and quitchabitchin
Location: spain
Mon Mar 17, 2008 6:27 pm Reply with quote
Paul Von Stetina wrote: When I come across a newbie's work that is not that good, but say maybe the idea was good, I will tend to vote for them, and try to comment on what I do and don't like, I for one, am guilty of not spending as much time on chops as I would like, and for that I know that I get less votes, just like when I see a top Vet here that just threw something together, I will do my best to pass it by, especially if it has 30-40+ undeserved votes.
As we all know, on some rare days, 25 votes are not enough, and most days it's tough to just give out 10-15 deserving votes, I will not mention names, but I see some here that give out all 25 votes every day, and for some really low quality chops, it looks like it's done just to get votes in return, I'm so over getting bummed out for this that I just don't care anymore, it is funny how all of us go through this, so from now on, I will only post if I feel that I did my best, which is not always that good anyway.  One thing that will get better results from choppers, is that if you see something that is way off, just comment that you'll vote for it later after it's fixed, the old dangle the carrot routine will always get the jackass up the hill  however if you do that, make sure to go back and check, and vote if it was fixed.
Now get to work, and quitchabitchin
It would be very much difficult to me to decide for whom voting if only i had 10 votes. Now it is easy with 25. With 10 votes I know that my voting would be more just, but if I have 25 .. I will use 25. We all like receiving votes, that's why it makes me sad, I already said it earlier, not to spend all of them.
If I could decide it.. would not put any more than 10
Location: Ohio
Mon Mar 17, 2008 9:48 pm Reply with quote
reality check?
1) There is an actual programmer who works for PSC? (by "works" I mean "paid by")
2) we rely on free-bee programming from members?
If the answer is 1 then you might be justified working for change.
if the answer is two.. this thread provides a very valid and yet mute point.
I am not sure why we complain... yes there are a few members that get "trash"* votes..
 deal with it
*trash = something I like and you do not.. or somebody I know and he/she posted shit.... or I feel sorry for them.. or somebody who should have done better... or they are an up and comer who had a bad week, or somebody I just cyber-loved.. or want to cyber love them
you can't fix it...
most of you talk on the "IM" and / or compare images..
you may get to know each other and form groups of friends...
we can't ban IM..
so, not even a 100% "anonymous" contest could or will solve a thing.with people talking on IM because there is more too it than that (i have been there.. and abused it as bad as anyone)
(IM is msn, AOL, ICQ or whatever)
just chop and be happy.. if you want to win... find a niche
Site Moderator
Location: Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette, finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet.
Mon Mar 17, 2008 10:22 pm Reply with quote
I suggested this earlier, but it may have been overlooked, as right after I posted it, there was a FLOOD of replies to this thread. So I'll throw it out there again.
TutorMe wrote: As far as anonymous contests, I don't think anon all the time is the way to go.
What about an option in your profile that lets YOU view contests in anonymous mode? Maybe in your profile there could be like: "Anonymous voter: YES!" lol
We could even have avatars for "Voters Anonymous" group. lol
It wouldn't be to difficult to implement I don't believe.
Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:09 pm Reply with quote
reply to the topic:
kinda dramatic cuz thata means that my name means sthg antifamous looking for my recent scores...hopefully i dont give a shit if some of u think i use actions or sthg....I spend hours in manipulating pixels to create sthg totally new (i try) ...reward : a copypaste job that some clever dudes say : its enough for a good rate in PSC u know ...let me laugh guys, i know what i did thats a revolution!' hahahaBut I disagree with the violent way u consider the problem: WE ARE LUCKY TO BE ABLE TO EXPRESS DIFFERENT EXPERIMENTS WITH PHOTOSHOP, WE HAVE TO BE PROUD OF THAT Time to time an expressiv/surreal job can get sthg like 50-60 votes, rarely more...Means that is sthg usually less that a more 'advert style chop...YOu know what i mean, cuz u people must admit that there have been some changes , some opened minded and skilled people that managed to bring a bit of "soul" in this site for 2 years. I always so the same oldies whining about the directions of site of a so called lower quality than 3 years ago...but let me tell u this straight : this doesn't work either! Been boycotted more tan once myself, and I prefer to appreciate the next day...okay...such piece I KNOW is good at many levels won't be accepted tomorrow....but I know how much changings have been here for several minths/years and THAT THE SITE HAS REACHED A CERTAIN POINT of BALANCE... the only issue i have is the very random fashion, mass unconsciensness's movements, fluctuant waves of voting etc.... welll not really an issue fits my schizoïd personallity very well......
well let me tel u Designed....ur skills are great cuz i told u once...well not because of me...but its like go train home and make mney with some kikass illustrative jobs instead of being pissed by what happens in our communauty...ull see things clearer then...ull still do u shit like i do and time to time shows u are able to do some ad'classic manips and win a price or two...;(ull have to be clever and do just like Marco (no offense i admire that a lot Mark) picking often the RIGHT CHOICE to have a chance to win a contest (this aint because Mark is kind with newbs and with others in general but because he is a smart ass and does the right chance and KEEPS a part of creativity most of the time)...If u think u dont win enough its maybe just like me, because and what i fuking want and what it is ? its sthg that i share only with myself and im glad if i haev some cool feedback about it...but its easy to "feel" what could win this or that day....easy....for me its just harder to stick some very narrative picture (dont like the word ABTSRACT or REAL) and i tend , after that the classic chopping done, to continue to experiment, knowing that my goal is to work the "picture" itself, i like the pixels , i like the feeling thru synapses , the violence ofmore than i like what tells a picture...people like stories...i use the contests to train everyday on my techniques cuz i would be maybe too lazy to do it without them...thats cool...learnt a lot here without paying a school...all i like.But i admit u can be pissed of easily by internet but well u suffer less than in real life i hope...  (i mean IF u suffer in real life...if not dont find some problems with this dam computers, evbdy could live without all this crap easily)
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