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Should we do it |
yes |
91% |
[ 22 ] |
no |
8% |
[ 2 ] |
Total Votes: 24
Site Admin
Location: Toronto, ON
Thu Mar 20, 2008 7:51 am Reply with quote
shouldn't be normal.
adding this application for psc is obviously not that easy, cuz new images are always being added. It probably has to work with a feed.
_________________ Feel free to PM me, but PM a mod if you think they can help you. If you've won a prize, contact me!
Location: India, mumbai.
Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:44 am Reply with quote
splodge wrote:
Works fine with my firefox. Maybe coz I have installed the plugin for firefox.
A wild party splodge
Plugin for IE is different.....
Location: India, mumbai.
Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:50 am Reply with quote
Procyon wrote: shouldn't be normal.
adding this application for psc is obviously not that easy, cuz new images are always being added. It probably has to work with a feed.
But this application is integrated with it gets new images every now and then. Well as I told. I don't know much about site do as you think is right..
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:56 am Reply with quote
Anyway, I started a thread here back then too...I still say it's an awesome set-up.
I found that FF 2.0 bogggged down with and so haven't been using it awhile.
Nothing compares to this setup for searching for source images on Google image. I leave an open folder on my desk top down the right two inches of my screen, surf with cooliris in the browser, with the browser resized to allow that two inch strip of folder to show on rt side of desktop...speed surf, drag and drop anything remotely wanted in to folder. I've timed it that i can do my image searches, and get what I need in about one ninth of the time it used to take.
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:59 am Reply with quote
ReyRey wrote: Has anyone seen this new plug-in for Firefox.
Check it out. It's sick. If Proc signs up we can search our images like this.
Proc doesn't need to do works great on PSC already....???????
Location: India, mumbai.
Thu Mar 20, 2008 9:20 am Reply with quote
ScionShade wrote:
Proc doesn't need to do works great on PSC already....???????
I can't get it....?
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Thu Mar 20, 2008 9:31 am Reply with quote
acemanoj wrote: ScionShade wrote:
Proc doesn't need to do works great on PSC already....???????
I can't get it....?
ACE, when you get the plugin installed...
move your cursor over links or pictures,
watch for a blue&green magnifierglass thingy.
when it pops up, put your cursor over the top of it, and it will make a new window... viola!
works great for searching google images and porn like scion said. or for browsing the entries here, just put your cursor over the entry titles. Fun times... Fun times.
Location: India, mumbai.
Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:22 am Reply with quote
TheShaman wrote: acemanoj wrote: ScionShade wrote:
Proc doesn't need to do works great on PSC already....???????
I can't get it....?
ACE, when you get the plugin installed...
move your cursor over links or pictures,
watch for a blue&green magnifierglass thingy.
when it pops up, put your cursor over the top of it, and it will make a new window... viola!
works great for searching google images and porn like scion said. or for browsing the entries here, just put your cursor over the entry titles. Fun times... Fun times.
I tried that on PSC...but its not that.
The blue magnifying glass icon comes with another plugin of that site "Cooliris Previews" and when I move the cursor over opens the link in a small window.
I was talking about PicLens...which makes the slideshow of images on particular page. It show an arrow on corner of the image when you keep cursor over it. And when clicked the starts a cool slideshow.....
Well I am going back to search porn..... 
Location: Somerville MA
Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:46 am Reply with quote
I'll try it again, ~ last year it wasn't working for me. could have been my computer 
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Thu Mar 20, 2008 11:15 am Reply with quote
I sorries Ace my fault. I forgot about that other option.
Helps to read I guess
I use the preview thingy all the time
I think some code has to be in place before the other option will work...
At the very least maybe we can set up our past Galleries with this? Instead of actual open contests.
Carry on.
Location: Yorkshire,
Thu Mar 20, 2008 12:12 pm Reply with quote
if you are building your own, try deleting all the thumbnails from the gallery page, specially if you are using huge number of pix,
then you can have a text link or example pic link, only seems to work in FF, 
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