I like choppin' for it's own sake - it's not the winning it's the taking part
(maybe I'll get to rethink that one day!)
In the last few days (I think I've only been here just over a week)...I've already benefited from others' knowledge and skills...it's a great lil community and fun
We all have our own reasons and ideas why we vote...so it's natural some may not make sense to us. For myself, I think I definitely look at the quality//idea//'feel' - a single filter effect doesn't do it for me

. Humour is always good! There's no such thing as too much laughing (unless it kills ya, but what a way to go!

). I guess I learn more from those who have obviously spent time a-chopping because it stretches me, and therefore I appreciate them more...
Already I can see my votes tend towards chops I like

, chops I think are well done

and encouragement for 'good-effort' chops from very new PS users

...but as they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder...I'm happy not to vote if I'm undecided or if a particular image doesn't work for me...gotta be true to yaself!