American Football = great game, love watching it, and have done for the last 15 years since I was about 12 or so.
However, if, as you want us to believe American egg slapping is the real deal for grrrrr 'men' to play, lets lose all the big shock absorbing pads & helmets and do it like 'real men' as you say.
I am not a fan really of Rugby, but at least the kick the absolute sha-bizzle out of each other
As for real Football, there is no game that compares for excitement. Like Supe says, 5/6th of the world watch it or play it, thats quite a few people really.
Also a couple of questions that have always confuzzled me:
1) why can't Americans have a sport that finishes in a draw normally, without 856 periods of overtime desperately trying to get a win on the board. A draw is a draw is a draw.
2) on to Baseball... how do you manage to call a championship of a sport comprising exactly yourselves &....yes yourselves, the World Series??? come on, that is so far up your own asses a bit is it not to totally disregard the other 223 nations in the world
In conclusion, American football = good and action packed (apart from the 6 hours spent not playing the game while wandering around wondering which play to go for.
Football = exciting, dramatic, controversial insanity that consumes you from the very core
Baseball = so much better than Cricket
Other sports = also nice