Whatever... it's time to eat!

hey cool... thanks for the info... when do we get the source? will the image be sent to us through psc mail? i get so lost on this thing... sorry for asking many questions about it

Look here Mister Punk, no one said you get anything...that's the idea of the H2h you have to guess what source your opponent is using to even compete

I kid
Look its real simple mate.
The source gets posted on the H2H thread for all competitors.
You get ya 2 days to chop the light fantastic
Two days for people to vote, spending most of your time in my lounge getting pissed.
Then the images are open for reading and you know if you win or dont win.
See so easy even a blind man could understand it...well ok not a blind man cause he cant read and I dont know to many blind men use photoshop...not to say they cant cause they can if they want...just may not look to good...but then that never stopped me from postin...