Soze wrote:
A POE-POE (criminal slang for cop) with a sense of humor.....

....we don't have those in America.....most are somewhat PISSED....not sure about what....but i do know that it take's very little lip before they start whipping your must be pissed about something.
Congrats on 18 years of service can smoke on the pension you get in a few years.
If you bust a guy with a pound of weed, but the report says a ounce....who would know??....i'm sure he is not going to claim the other 15 ounces. Just something i have always thought about.....does that mean i can't be a cop......DAMMIT, well theres always the fire wait.....that involves running into fire.....OOOOHHHH NO.....i only wanna burn once....and that's after death...not during.