Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - IN MEMORIAM ADRIAN SUDBURY (fka Baldy's Blog Forwarded) - Reply to topic
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Wed May 21, 2008 2:49 am Reply with quote
Baldy's Blog Forwarded (title changes after Digitalpharoa came up with the idea of a PSC thread)
Here is a link to the blog of an unlucky man, who has a last wish.
Sounds wierd? Follow the link and it will get wierder. Adrian Sudbury has been writing his awardwinning Blog for 15 months now. And the sad thing is, he knows he won't be doing it for much longer. Because he is dying of cancer.
His last request is getting more people involved in teaching children (and other people) about the importance of being blood and bonemarrow donors. His Blog is a recording of everything Adrian went through, with video's published on YouTube, from the time he got his first treatments in March 2007, through the times he was told the bonemarrow transplant had been successful, until now. Even now, when he has been told that the cancer came back, Adrian still won't give up the fight. Something for all of us to take to heart.
We can't photoshop Adrians problems away. But we can carry his fight to the next level. Awareness, that is what he is asking for. Adrian want just one simple thing. That all six form children all over the world are being taught about the importance of becomming a blood donor. Because a simple thing as that can save lifes.
For Adrian,
Here is the entry made on May 15, 2008
I have one last little mission before I die. I'm determined to try and educate more people about what it is like to be a bone marrow donor. There are still 7,000 people - children and adults in the UK alone - who are waiting to find a match. Without your help they have no hope. At least I was given a chance. The problem is people think it is some horrific procedure and I want to show as many people as possible that it is not like that. Apparently, the Germans have one of the world's best marrow registers. All they do is educate their sixth form students about why it's important to donate blood, bone marrow and how you do it. Why can't we do that here? This is a video showing how around 75% of all bone marrow donation is carried out these days. If you want to get on one of the donor registers all you have to do is ask about it next time you give blood. The National Blood Service provides a bone marrow register. Alternatively, you could get in touch with the Anthony Nolan Trust.
(* - Or one of the trusts that operates in your country!- * edited by Anna)
They can send out a special blood testing kit which you can take with you to your GP. You then post your sample back to the trust. Specialists can tell from your blood whether you are a potential tissue match for someone or not. Your details are then entered onto one of the databases. The two organisations work together so you only need to be on one. If you were a match for someone who needed a transplant, and you still wanted to help, you would be given a number of injections of a naturally occurring hormone called Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF), four days prior to the donation. This stimulates your bone marrow to increase blood cell production. For example, when you are ill, GCSF stimulates the marrow to make more white blood cells to fight off infection. The injections are safe and the only side effect I experienced when I was given some on the ward was a slight ache in my bones. A donor is then brought into hospital and hooked up to a machine called a cell separator. As you can see from the above video a needle is put in one arm and the blood goes into the machine. The stem cells are separated by centrifugation and flow into a bag. The other parts of the blood are then returned back to the donor through a different needle. The whole process takes around four hours. Current research shows that these types of stem cells are the best for curing leukaemia. However, for some conditions such as aplastic anaemia, stem cells direct from the bone marrow are more desirable. To get these cells a bone marrow harvest is performed. This can require a two-night stay in hospital. When I have a bone marrow sample I have to lie on my side in the foetal position. I am given a local anaesthetic and a needle is inserted into the bony bits at the back of my pelvis. This video is not the same as a harvest but it gives you the gist. A donor is given a general anaesthetic and the same procedure is carried out but at multiple sites. There is no bone-breaking or spine jeopardising - that is not to say it wouldn't be a bit sore in the morning! None of these procedures are anything to be taken lightly and do represent a big commitment. The databases are expensive to maintain so they only want people on there who are determined to help. Donors have the final say about which method they prefer. Ideally, it is best to be OK with both. That way if someone is unable to extract enough bone marrow cells, another option for the recipient is possible. On a personal note I used to give blood but I never joined a bone marrow register because I thought the procedure could leave you paralysed. That, as I hope you can see, could not be further from the truth. I'd just like to add that we live in a world that for all its good is riddled with problems and selfishness. Joining a register is one of the true acts of altruism and human kindness. Who knows, you may end up saving someone else on the other side of the planet.
Location: In a world of $#!t
Wed May 21, 2008 3:09 pm Reply with quote
I can't read his blog. It is hitting too close to home and it's getting me all stressed out, although he should be proud of himself,and I hope his family will be ok.  I still can't get my own family to go in and get tested to see if they are a match for me. My brother finally did. It only took him a year. My sister still has not. I think if they gave me her bone marrow I would be instantly stoned.  For people that don't know. Just getting tested is easy. They do it with blood now. No bone marrow taps, which hurt like hell. Just getting the test would put someone at ease knowing that if they need a transplant, there is a match out there and some hope on the horizon.
DO IT!!!!! PLEASE!!! 
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: Somerville MA
Wed May 21, 2008 3:33 pm Reply with quote
I pray things work out and a healing comes. I would donate but I'm on seizure medication and they won't take me.  I can't even give blood.  If I get off the meds someday I will will offer my assistance. 
Site Moderator
Location: Planet Earth
Wed May 21, 2008 3:49 pm Reply with quote
I'd get mine tested for you, Rey. My blood type is A- ...will that increase chances of matching?
Location: In a world of $#!t
Wed May 21, 2008 3:58 pm Reply with quote
Eve wrote: I'd get mine tested for you, Rey. My blood type is A- ...will that increase chances of matching?
Wow. You got an A-? You must be smart.
I'm not really sure what makes a good match. (I probably should) I will look into it. I know that my best chance is with siblings. Parents are no good. Thanks so much for the offer. Part of the test is you have to be naked and I have to be there. This test is only for people named Eve. I'm not sure why but rules is rules. 
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Wed May 21, 2008 4:10 pm Reply with quote
Thanks ReyRey for responding to this despite your own problems.
In my country the blood donor and bone marrow people work together. People who donate blood can be asked to have their blood tested for the bone marrow registration. Myself I am not allowed to do that anymore. Because - as they told me, I am to old now. They have to be able to put you on the registration for at least 7 years or more, to be a candidate. So this forum is my only contribution I can make.
Hugs. And if only one person is persuaded to have the test done, and 10 people would be persuaded to talk about it to their friends and relatives, then this would all have been worth it already.
It's like the Pay it Forward thing. The reward will one day come back to you for sure.
Wed May 21, 2008 5:21 pm Reply with quote
ReyRey wrote: I can't read his blog. It is hitting too close to home and it's getting me all stressed out, although he should be proud of himself,and I hope his family will be ok.  I still can't get my own family to go in and get tested to see if they are a match for me. My brother finally did. It only took him a year. My sister still has not. I think if they gave me her bone marrow I would be instantly stoned.  For people that don't know. Just getting tested is easy. They do it with blood now. No bone marrow taps, which hurt like hell. Just getting the test would put someone at ease knowing that if they need a transplant, there is a match out there and some hope on the horizon.
DO IT!!!!! PLEASE!!! 
Alright. If I get tested and I'm a gotta rent a Harley and drive to Maryland and teach me ALL you know about Photoshop.

Location: In a world of $#!t
Wed May 21, 2008 6:20 pm Reply with quote
digitalpharaoh wrote: ReyRey wrote: I can't read his blog. It is hitting too close to home and it's getting me all stressed out, although he should be proud of himself,and I hope his family will be ok.  I still can't get my own family to go in and get tested to see if they are a match for me. My brother finally did. It only took him a year. My sister still has not. I think if they gave me her bone marrow I would be instantly stoned.  For people that don't know. Just getting tested is easy. They do it with blood now. No bone marrow taps, which hurt like hell. Just getting the test would put someone at ease knowing that if they need a transplant, there is a match out there and some hope on the horizon.
DO IT!!!!! PLEASE!!! 
Alright. If I get tested and I'm a gotta rent a Harley and drive to Maryland and teach me ALL you know about Photoshop.

I don't have to rent a Harley. I got my own and you ain't that far. 
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: Hudson, Canada
Wed May 21, 2008 6:33 pm Reply with quote
I'm giving blood on Tuesday, and probably be asking for it back on Wednesday.
Unlike Eve, who is negative, I am A positive.
I will find out about testing my marrow, although I don't think I'll have time to study. I will do this, Rey, even though you suck. 
_________________ "Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans." John Lennon
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Wed May 21, 2008 7:07 pm Reply with quote
Rey, what all is involved with donating bone marrow?????
Location: Hudson, Canada
Wed May 21, 2008 7:19 pm Reply with quote
ReyRey wrote: Parents are no good.
oh...those early childhood memories again....
ReyRey wrote: blah, blah, blah...naked...blah, blah, blah...Eve...
uh...yeah....damn....can't think...something witty....something nothing...can't think...damn, you, Rey! 
_________________ "Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans." John Lennon
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Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - IN MEMORIAM ADRIAN SUDBURY (fka Baldy's Blog Forwarded) - Reply to topic
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