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Location: Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette, finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet.
Wed May 21, 2008 11:21 pm Reply with quote
I'll start this off by saying that as of now, I can't offer money as a reward, but I can offer drugs... lol
I am starting up a media/production project called "Original Medium." I am starting off by making graduation video slideshows for my mom's friend, and I hope to move on to other things like web design etc... However, I'm somewhat lacking in logo-creation abilities. I have come up with one idea, and did a rough chop to show you kinda what I'm looking for.
Here is what I have:
I want the design to be simple, and would like to have some kind of medium (like a cd) as a part of it.
I know this is a lot to ask for free, but in return, if I have a client in need of logo design or other things, or I have too much going on, I could refer them to you.
If you need any more info, just let me know.
Location: Uranus
Wed May 21, 2008 11:22 pm Reply with quote
I only read the first line.....
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Thu May 22, 2008 12:11 am Reply with quote
I gotta tell you the hard truth, dude: a CD or DVD is NOT "original" media these days. They are tried and true media. You should try something like a USB banana, or maybe a organic molecular cube storage device. Now THOSE are "original" media. So original that no one has even THOUGHT of them yet. But, of course, now that I've shared my ideas with you I'll have to kill you. Sorry 'bout that.

the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Site Moderator
Location: Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette, finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet.
Thu May 22, 2008 12:16 am Reply with quote
Oscar wrote:
Thanks Oscar. I like it, but could you try a simpler font?
ReinMan wrote: I gotta tell you the hard truth, dude: a CD or DVD is NOT "original" media these days. They are tried and true media. You should try something like a USB banana, or maybe a organic molecular cube storage device. Now THOSE are "original" media. So original that no one has even THOUGHT of them yet. But, of course, now that I've shared my ideas with you I'll have to kill you. Sorry 'bout that.

Wait... CD's are actually mainstream now? Aghhhh.... So much for the name. I could've sworn it would have been at least 5-10 years before people would catch on to the idea of CDs and DVDs.
What if I were to say it was an HD DVD??? Hows that for original? lol
Location: Northern California
Thu May 22, 2008 12:37 am Reply with quote
I don't know what you guys talking about, what are cds? I got that image from google. I was looking for a stone wheel. I'm still using my 8 track 
Location: Uranus
Thu May 22, 2008 1:17 am Reply with quote
still the first line has me hooked
Location: Uranus
Thu May 22, 2008 1:18 am Reply with quote
or should i say, you had me at "drugs"
Location: Back where I belong.
Thu May 22, 2008 8:10 am Reply with quote
TutorMe wrote: I'll see what i can do. I don't have/know how to use illustrator though. lol
InkScape. Free. Good (so I'm told). Go now.
As for your logo samples. To me the headphones imply only audio. If you're doing video you should imply that too. What about putting a iconic TV behind the headphones?
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Thu May 22, 2008 8:16 am Reply with quote
Gimp. Free. Even Better...
I do Logo and Graphics design as a job. The number one piece of advice I can give you is: Lighting is everything.
A good logo can take 30 or more layers with more than half of them being made up of light or dark gradients.
Most popular for logos now days is glossy or glass logos.
Look up some tutorials. Be careful though. Some are good but some aren't. As a general rule, if the tutorial looks easy, it's probably not worth your time.
I'll try my hand at your logo dealio later on at lunch today and show you kind of what I mean if you want.
Also: Vector does not equal easy or good.
Making a flat logo at a high quality is usually just as good. (Unless you're planning on making 50' square posters to paste up everywhere. Lol.)
Location: Photoshop Nation
Thu May 22, 2008 9:40 am Reply with quote
ResidentGeek wrote: Gimp. Free. Even Better...
I do Logo and Graphics design as a job. The number one piece of advice I can give you is: Lighting is everything.
A good logo can take 30 or more layers with more than half of them being made up of light or dark gradients.
Most popular for logos now days is glossy or glass logos.
Look up some tutorials. Be careful though. Some are good but some aren't. As a general rule, if the tutorial looks easy, it's probably not worth your time.
I'll try my hand at your logo dealio later on at lunch today and show you kind of what I mean if you want.
Also: Vector does not equal easy or good.
Making a flat logo at a high quality is usually just as good. (Unless you're planning on making 50' square posters to paste up everywhere. Lol.)
lighting, gradients and logos don't mix, a logo MUST be readable in black/white, no gradients no grays no colors! also no frills becaue they get lost if the logo is miniaturized. A logo should also be modular. Look at all the major logos, most of them are logotypes because letters are readable, simple, easily recognizable, can be printed in 1 color and won't loose anything.
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