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Location: connecticut
Thu May 22, 2008 1:12 pm Reply with quote
L@rue: I'm eating a bag of bbq chips and drink a cocacola
Location: In a world of $#!t
Thu May 22, 2008 2:22 pm Reply with quote
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: California
Thu May 22, 2008 2:57 pm Reply with quote
Another year older and deeper in debt! Happy Bday! 
Location: Geordieland, UK
Thu May 22, 2008 4:42 pm Reply with quote
All the best mate!
In the early 1800s, a French warship sank off the North-East coast of England. The only survivor was the ships mascot, a monkey dressed in a French naval uniform. The people of Hartlepool captured it and hung it as a French spy.
Any relation? 
Location: In a world of $#!t
Thu May 22, 2008 4:51 pm Reply with quote
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Thu May 22, 2008 5:51 pm Reply with quote
One more year closer to DYING.
Oh. . . and HAPPY BIRTHDAY for what it's worth. 
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Site Moderator
Location: Planet Earth
Thu May 22, 2008 6:23 pm Reply with quote
Quote: ledirlo
Post Mon Dec 03, 2007 5:42 pm Reply with quote
two ees and a vee
stands next to the tree
it's where she likes to pee.
some men tend to think
her apple was their trap
but they have lost the link:
she doesn't give a crap.
things are not as they seem
if you know what is a dream;
forget yourself and the ween
only rely on your peen.
light emiting diode.
no debt we owed
but respect was bestowed.
he'll never know
how we love him so.
that monkey on the go
reminds me of a fuzzy sumo.

Location: Colchester, UK
Thu May 22, 2008 7:06 pm Reply with quote
Happy Birthday Led, we have something in common its mine today as well 
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