Photoshop Contest Forum Index - New Users - Which Photoshop should i use? - Reply to topic
Sat May 31, 2008 2:07 pm Reply with quote
I have been looking around to see if anyone has posted such a question.but i havent seen much o any which is sure you could just use which ever photoshop version u like.but i requesting helpful an upcoming amateur,not that adept with using photoshop,or similar software  ..yeah.but i have a great interest in editing pics in all sorts of ways,i want a version which is near limitless,can also handle vids and few other stuff.and dont take up too much hard drive the moment i have installed adobe photoshop elements 4.0,i dont like it all that much,not so user friendly i wud say,esp 2 a beginner.So plz any suggestions.on this site it seems like ppl mostly use CS3? not sure, am i right?
Location: Anywhere but where I am.
Sat May 31, 2008 2:16 pm Reply with quote
you are right. Photoshop Cs3 is the best version and most used. Cs and Cs2 are pretty good too. Too be frank photoshop isn't that user friendly, in the begining its pretty tough, All you have to do is expiremnt, mess around with it until you get the hang of it. I learned how to use photoshop myself and i've only been using it for half a year and i've already got used to it. I recomend you start using GIMP ( a free image editing software). Then when you master it you buy CS3.
Location: Yorkshire,
Sat May 31, 2008 2:25 pm Reply with quote
cheap and great, photoshop 7, no video abilaty
over priced, over rated and very buggy PSCS3 i have it but never use it, only video capable virsion, though thats very limeted,
remember adobe photoshop is a profesional photo enhancement and manipulation tool.
adobe imagine users have evolved with the program, getting in at deap end aint easy, thats wht thay gave us adobe photoshop elements,
that's why kids go to collage/uni for 3/4 years to learn all aspects of computer graphics
Sat May 31, 2008 9:32 pm Reply with quote
tnx so much every1 4 ur replies,you've helped me out.
Location: Australia
Sat May 31, 2008 11:32 pm Reply with quote
I use cs2, it has so many bells and whistles Im still learning.
would recommend that you get a stand alone video program.
The best way to learn mate is to do, try some tutes and persist with not gibing up. I f you want of the rack software that does it all for you there are lots of filter programs and that out there. If you want to create and expand on the normal stuff, then keep learning what PS can do...I learn something new every day with this place.
Location: Location: Location:
Sun Jun 01, 2008 8:09 am Reply with quote
CS3 if u can get it! If you're in education or a tutor, you can get it discounted.
Location: London
Sun Jun 01, 2008 9:44 am Reply with quote
xxxblacknightxxx wrote: I have been looking around to see if anyone has posted such a question.but i havent seen much o any which is sure you could just use which ever photoshop version u like.but i requesting helpful an upcoming amateur,not that adept with using photoshop,or similar software  ..yeah.but i have a great interest in editing pics in all sorts of ways,i want a version which is near limitless,can also handle vids and few other stuff.and dont take up too much hard drive the moment i have installed adobe photoshop elements 4.0,i dont like it all that much,not so user friendly i wud say,esp 2 a beginner.So plz any suggestions.on this site it seems like ppl mostly use CS3? not sure, am i right?
cs3 will cost you more...
Location: High Bridge, New Jersey
Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:00 am Reply with quote
xxxblacknightxxx wrote:
I was told by Martrex that u use Photoshop Elements.If its not to much of a bother,cud u tell me which version u use.and if u use it to create most of ur photo entries.i have Photoshop elements 4.0,is that a good version to have 4 a wide variety of photo edits and videos? Plz reply and tnx in advance Very Happy
Hey, Blackie! Yes, I use PSE for all my chops. (My PS was so old that I couldn't use it on my Intel Mac, when my old Mac died.)
Anyway, I really don't find it limiting: it doesn't have masks, but that's easily fixed by grouping the layer with a blank layer below it and painting and erasing on that.
It doesn't have real curves, but I've never found anything I couldn't do with color variations, cmd U, and/or lighting. Except for metallic effect: I used to use a really wavy curve to put a chrome reflection on objects, and I haven't figured how to fake it yet.
I started out using PSE 4.x and then upgraded to PSE 6 (fairly cheap, direct from Adobe) since someone pointed out that PSE 4 was kinda slow (I believe the technical term was "slower than frozen snot flowing uphill").
PSE 6 has all the same features as 4, but the windows are gray rather than white, it is faster, and it doesn't crash, like 4 usually did after a Liquify.
Bottom line: I don't regret not having PS. I did start using a Wacom Bamboo pen & tablet, which is slightly better for painting and erasing than my finger on the touchpad. But the touchpad is still much better than the pen for the polygonal lasso.
_________________ Seelcraft
Chemists have solutions!
Location: Yorkshire,
Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:12 am Reply with quote
i started with photoshop ellements years ago, there is an elliments contest out on the interweb i posted in before i found this place, i went back into elliments on the g/fs computer after 5 years, i could not remember a thing, but maybe that's all the vodka 
Location: cheshire/uk
Sun Jun 01, 2008 2:35 pm Reply with quote
I love my photoshop 7, does exactly what its supposed to do, what i want it to do so I have no need to fix it.
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