Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Fun and Games - June 08 - more questions - Reply to topic
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Location: UnitedStates
Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:27 am Reply with quote
Remember back to the days when we read about what we were reading, we were wearing, what our desktops looked like and what we ate for breakfast? times seemed so more carefree back then. It was only last June, but many things have changed for us... and I wonder if Tofu can still afford steak and crab salad...
So now I ask some more questions of you... more of leaner, tougher times for us.
of sound mind and body...
1. do you find yourself worrying more about chops or money these days?
2. where do you live - your own house, apartment, condo, your parent's basement.... long have you lived there?
3. how do you pay your bills? job, trust fund or social security?
....if you have a job, what do you do?
....if you're retired, what did you used to do, and what do you do with your time now?
....if you live on a trust fund, will you adopt me?
4. where were you born? a hospital, a car, or perhaps a barn?
5. how do you get around town? your car, city transportation, walk?
6. how much is gas where you live? if you drive have you cut back due to the price?
7. how have you cut back or thinking of making changes due to the prices?
8. have your summer vacation plans changed due to fuel costs?
9. plastic or paper?
10. bottled water or tap?
11. do you recycle? how so?
12. free tv, dish, cable or other?
13. eating out more, or less?
in the news....
14. if you could pick anyone you wanted to be the next president, who would it be?
15. anything you'd like to add or ask?
Location: UnitedStates
Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:43 am Reply with quote
1. do you find yourself worrying more about chops or money these days?
2. where do you live - your own house - yes. long have you lived there? 16 years
3. how do you pay your bills? job - advertising graphic artist
4. where were you born? in a hospital
5. how do you get around town? my car
6. how much is gas where you live? $4.17 a gallon yesterday.
if you drive have you cut back due to the price? not really, but watching the tank more.
7. how have you cut back or thinking of making changes due to the prices? thinking about shutting off the cable and going with the digital converter box... or just free analog this year
8. have your summer vacation plans changed due to fuel costs? no. actually taking 2 vacations here shortly
9. plastic or paper? plastic.... my bad!
10. bottled water or tap? tap, unless it tastes funny then I'll buy a gallon of filtered water.
11. do you recycle? how so? cans, paper, glass at home. Bring tossed paper home from office to throw in my recycling bin.
12. free tv, dish, cable or other? free in one room, $46/mo cable in the other currently
13. eating out more, or less? actually more, but as cheaply as possible - signed up for dining miles recently
in the news....
14. if you could pick anyone you wanted to be the next president, who would it be? Hillary Clinton
15. anything you'd like to add or ask? Last june things seemed more relaxed and fun. since then my mom turned 90, my purse was stolen, my sister got breast cancer, my cat had surgery, job security has been precarious, gas prices have soared, people have transferred out of our office to save on gas money leaving us wondering if our office will close due to lack of workers, vacation planning is very expensive, my credit card is nearly maxed out, my house needs repairs and my health insurance is refusing to pay a big bill.
Location: Oregon
Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:09 am Reply with quote
of sound mind and body...
1. do you find yourself worrying more about chops or money these days?
money, duh!
2. where do you live - your own house, apartment, condo, your parent's basement....
my own house, about 6 miles from Mount Vernon, Oregon long have you lived there?
28 years
3. how do you pay your bills? job, trust fund or social security?
....if you have a job, what do you do?
Photography Studio
....if you're retired, what did you used to do, and what do you do with your time now?
....if you live on a trust fund, will you adopt me?
4. where were you born? a hospital, a car, or perhaps a barn?
hospital (so they say)
5. how do you get around town? your car, city transportation, walk?
2006 Ford Escape
6. how much is gas where you live? if you drive have you cut back due to the price?
$4.39 a gallon
7. how have you cut back or thinking of making changes due to the prices?
drive only when I have trips to town are much more thought out now
8. have your summer vacation plans changed due to fuel costs?
not really
9. plastic or paper?
plastic...........gonna get those reusable shopping bags though
10. bottled water or tap?
tap.....from a spring on my property
11. do you recycle? how so?
12. free tv, dish, cable or other?
13. eating out more, or less?
never..........unless I'm out of town...........which is almost never
in the news....
14. if you could pick anyone you wanted to be the next president, who would it be?
Maya Angelou.....don't know if she'd make a good president, but the speeches would be great
15. anything you'd like to add or ask?
oh, not really
_________________ Due to the shape of the North American Elk's esophagus,
even if it could speak, it could not pronounce the word lasagna.
- Cliff Clavin
Location: UnitedStates
Thu Jun 19, 2008 5:07 am Reply with quote
air conditioning yeah! more of a need here in the desert than luxury. And those summer bills will knock any gasoline bill right out of the ballpark around here. $70 a month for gas sure beats a $230 summer electric bill! ha!
Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:16 am Reply with quote
of sound mind and body...
1. do you find yourself worrying more about chops or money these days?
Still the same as last year - both equal
2. where do you live - your own house, apartment, condo, your parent's basement.... how long have you lived there?
in a rented house - almost 19 years now
3. how do you pay your bills? job, trust fund or social security?
our benevelent government pays me sick pay
....if you have a job, what do you do?
Administrative work
....if you live on a trust fund, will you adopt me?
Sure - do you come with a small cage or a handy basket?
4. where were you born? a hospital, a car, or perhaps a barn?
In the backroom of a shop (my parents first "appartment")
5. how do you get around town? your car, city transportation, walk?
On foot and on my bicycle - sold my car 23 years ago.
6. how much is gas where you live?
Almost 1.60 Euros per liter (times 3.7854 is how you get to the gallon) 6.05 euro's per gallon = 9.98 US dollars (today... )
7. how have you cut back or thinking of making changes due to the prices?
Drink less alcohol for a start
8. have your summer vacation plans changed due to fuel costs?
Yep, have not had a vacation in 25 years due to funds shortage
9. plastic or paper?
The latest findings are that plastic (when recycled!!!) is the BEST option. Paper still costs trees, plastic bags can be made from recycled plastic these days.
10. bottled water or tap?
Tapwater any day. Cost effective and taste and quality overhere are just as good.
11. do you recycle? how so?
Yes, bottles, paper, batteries, carton boxes, green stuffs etc. Clothes go to special collection points and I "buy" most of my furniture by the way side (finders keepers) and in second hand shops. (Exept beds)
12. free tv, dish, cable or other?
Cable TV, DSL computer - no digital tv for me.
13. eating out more, or less?
I don't eat outdoors - unless it's a picknick
in the news....
14. if you could pick anyone you wanted to be the next president, who would it be?
Can we dispense with politics all together? would that not be cheaper?
15. anything you'd like to add or ask?
Why do you want to know all these things? 
Location: Ormond Beach,Florida
Thu Jun 19, 2008 12:06 pm Reply with quote
1. do you find yourself worrying more about chops or money these days?
Money Being self employed software consultant, the automotive industry directly affects what I do so if less people are driving, the more impact on my business, less money.
2. where do you live - your own house, apartment, condo, your parent's basement....
Rent for the first time in a long time!
3. how do you pay your bills? job, trust fund or social security?
....if you have a job, what do you do?
Answered above but I sell, install and train on Automotive Management and repair information.
4. where were you born? a hospital, a car, or perhaps a barn?
Hospital, Floyd County Georgia
5. how do you get around town? your car, city transportation, walk?
Full size gas guzzling SUV or my Jeep
6. how much is gas where you live? if you drive have you cut back due to the price?
$4.05/gal and now I plan my routes carefully.
7. how have you cut back or thinking of making changes due to the prices?
Since rising fuel prices affects almost everything, less eating out, more staying home, thinking my own garden
8. have your summer vacation plans changed due to fuel costs?
Yes, used to go Rock Crawling (Jeep Style) 4 times a year, this year it will only be one out of state trip.
9. plastic or paper?
Plastic, can't get paper around here anymore.
10. bottled water or tap?
Tap thats filtered
11. do you recycle? how so?
Sometimes, depends on how heavy the regular garbage gets with all those beer bottles in it. Then I put them in the recycle bin
12. free tv, dish, cable or other?
Basic cable with high speed internet.
13. eating out more, or less?
A lot less than a year ago.
in the news....
14. if you could pick anyone you wanted to be the next president, who would it be?
15. anything you'd like to add or ask?
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:13 pm Reply with quote
1. do you find yourself worrying more about chops or money these days? No worry for either at all.
2. where do you live - your own house, apartment, condo, your parent's basement....Own home. long have you lived there? Seven years in this house.
3. how do you pay your bills? job, trust fund or social security?
....if you have a job, what do you do? Hug,fondle,groom, and basically molest trees.
....if you're retired, what did you used to do, and what do you do with your time now?
....if you live on a trust fund, will you adopt me?
4. where were you born? a hospital, a car, or perhaps a barn?
lean... ...............lean?
5. how do you get around town? your car, city transportation, walk? Putt-Putt the car.
6. how much is gas where you live? if you drive have you cut back due to the price? $4.09- no cutting down..I am a minimalist driver already.
7. how have you cut back or thinking of making changes due to the prices? Haven't cut back, and my thoughts are squarely on revolution, and the destruction of our now defunct government to be replaced by a more representative body that is of the people, by the people, and for the people.
8. have your summer vacation plans changed due to fuel costs?
Possibly..I have waffled on a few trip[s around the state, and quite possibly fuel costs had an effect in these decisions.
I could possibly just be going through a real, "I'm feeling too lazy to drive allover" phase.
9. plastic or paper?
Trying to make a habit of switching to canvas by keeping sacks in the cars.
10. bottled water or tap?
11. do you recycle? how so?
recycle..curb pick-up.
12. free tv, dish, cable or other?
13. eating out more, or less?
in the news....the news?
14. if you could pick anyone you wanted to be the next president, who would it be?
Me. hands down.
15. anything you'd like to add or ask?
I dumped 22 yards of mulch in the driveway just yesterday.
It's a bit much, and possibly more than I need. If anyone would like some, feel free to stop over, and load up on it.
Also, I am picking up my brand spanking new Fender guitar this evening. Paying $100 for it, and it comes with a neat little stand, and an amp.
Location: Location: Location:
Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:13 pm Reply with quote
see below! Not sure why but it posted twice when I edited it!
Location: Location: Location:
Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:14 pm Reply with quote
of sound mind and body...
1. do you find yourself worrying more about chops or money these days?
money usually
2. where do you live - your own house, apartment, condo, your parent's basement.... how long have you lived there?
moved back with my folks when set up my business -still there...
3. how do you pay your bills? job, trust fund or social security?
....if you have a job, what do you do?
freelance graphic designer
....if you live on a trust fund, will you adopt me?
I don't, but if I did, sure...?
4. where were you born? a hospital, a car, or perhaps a barn?
5. how do you get around town? your car, city transportation, walk?
Car, bike, feet
6. how much is gas where you live?
far too expensive
7. how have you cut back or thinking of making changes due to the prices?
I haven't...and my car service just cost £350. Urg.
8. have your summer vacation plans changed due to fuel costs?
Nope...I just need to earn more to pay for them!!
9. plastic or paper?
10. bottled water or tap?
Bottled or filtered from the tap
11. do you recycle? how so?
Paper, bottles and tins. Collected.
12. free tv, dish, cable or other?
Analogue tellie, wireless connection for macs via cable
13. eating out more, or less?
About the same...with friends sometimes
in the news....
14. if you could pick anyone you wanted to be the next president, who would it be?
Jesus Christ
15. anything you'd like to add or ask?
Owls are the only birds that can see the colour blue.
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:17 pm Reply with quote
WhimSea wrote: air conditioning yeah! more of a need here in the desert than luxury. And those summer bills will knock any gasoline bill right out of the ballpark around here. $70 a month for gas sure beats a $230 summer electric bill! ha!
Ya ever try making yourself a 'swamp cooler'?
Location: UnitedStates
Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:36 pm Reply with quote
I have a swamp cooler - and have never turned it on. Actually had it disconnected as I can't stand what they feel like. They only work out here on certain days, sometimes just certain times of the day and frankly, if I wanted to have that much heat and humidity (like a swamp!), I'd move to Florida! bwahahahahaha
ahhhhh, more questions to know more about my artist friends.... make us not feel alone, if you are, that you have things in common or perhaps get ideas from each other.
It's nice to know a couple of you would consider adoption!
IKEA had their big blue totes for a buck a couple years ago - thought that would be good to keep in the car to carry stuff. The thing is too damn big! I found it to be ENORMOUS when fully opened and when I actually put a bunch of stuff in it... brother! I needed a wagon just to carry it from the car to my work! So note to everyone - if you get a reusable tote to use, make sure it's not big enough to put too much stuff to carry in it! ha! If you think it's neat to be able to tote around that much stuff without paper or plastic, then get a little red wagon.
Scion - you rock! you jobbalobbadingdong-tree huggin'-canvas sacks in the car-and mulch-in-the-driveway-artist you!  Good luck on your new guitar... kinda getting a thought about Marty in Back to the Future, turning the amp wayyyyy up, strumming the guitar -- and getting blown clear across the room. Yeah. Good times. Look forward to seeing you on the road to the White House!
Annajon - wow! 23 years without a car! well seeing how your gas comes to nearly $10 a gallon I can see why! I salute you for non-car ways! But I'd sure like if you could vacation. Hopefully you "vacation" on the internet... not the same, but a mind vacation is better than no vacation. "13. eating out more, or less?
I don't eat outdoors - unless it's a picknick" funny girl!
JK - I remember your photos of the jeep rock crawling. Perhaps a jeep tour where someone else is doing the gas buying will help suppliment the need for a jarring jeep ride! There are many jeep/hummer tour companies out here. I'm sure they're all over. Maybe could throw in a new thing like white water river rafting too! Good luck on your road to the White House! You might bump into Scion or Maya on the way!
Synthvet - $4.39?! poor you! literally! You know maybe recycling some cans, glass & plastic bottles could help fund your ride! When I lived in California, the grocery stores had machines that you got a nickel or dime for 1 or 2 cans or bottles... that was 16 years ago - prices must have gone up since then.
Found this online while looking for coors box art... "money from recycling = 21.99. 30 pack of coors light = 21.99. the circle of life is complete."
I've got an old boyfriend that makes lots of money from buying and selling junk metal - old cars, etc., so recycling doesn't have to be limited to cans & bottles.
No one born in a barn. Good to know. And no hybrid car owners here?
And nobody mentioned PSC as a luxury! That's nice.
Location: Wellford SC
Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:55 am Reply with quote
1. do you find yourself worrying more about chops or money these days?
2. where do you live - your own house, apartment, condo, your parent's basement.... my own home long have you lived there? 2.5 years
3. how do you pay your bills? job, trust fund or social security? job!
....if you have a job, what do you do? I work at Charter Communications, let me know if you need your bill fixed
4. where were you born? a hospital, a car, or perhaps a barn? A hospital
5. how do you get around town? your car, city transportation, walk? My car
6. how much is gas where you live? if you drive have you cut back due to the price?
3.79 for regualar unleaded. Yes-i put my car in neutral everytime i go down a hill
7. how have you cut back or thinking of making changes due to the prices?
my husband and i are trying to get on close to the same schedule so we can drive 1 car the 50mile round trip daily instead of twice.
8. have your summer vacation plans changed due to fuel costs? there is such a thing as summer vacation???
9. plastic or paper? plastic!
10. bottled water or tap? well water is the best, but after that, bottled only if its dasani..
11. do you recycle? how so? i recycle plastic grocery bags as trashbags for the bathroom, does that count?
12. free tv, dish, cable or other? free cable.. i work for charter duh
13. eating out more, or less? about the same
in the news....
14. if you could pick anyone you wanted to be the next president, who would it be?
I think Obama's gonna be good, but at this point anyone who can help our economy would be good.
15. anything you'd like to add or ask?
No not really.
Location: Back where I belong.
Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:07 pm Reply with quote
1. do you find yourself worrying more about chops or money these days?
Money. I took a pay cut for this new job. Pair that with the high gasoline and heating fuel prices, higher grocery prices thanks to ethanol eating up all the corn, and rising health costs and I'm stressed.
2. where do you live - your own house, apartment, condo, your parent's long have you lived there?
Well I currently own my house (in the sense that I'm paying the mortgage for another 27 years anyway). We've been in it for just about 3.5 years at the moment. I even announced the purchase here at PSC before I told my RL family!
3. how do you pay your bills? job, trust fund or social security?
....if you have a job, what do you do?
....if you're retired, what did you used to do, and what do you do with your time now?
....if you live on a trust fund, will you adopt me?
I now work full-time as a web developer and all-around-it-person for Golden Eagle Log Homes. It's been almost 2 months now.  Prior to that I was a programmer analyst for the county government for 10 years.
4. where were you born? a hospital, a car, or perhaps a barn?
Hospital in Burley Idaho a long time ago.
5. how do you get around town? your car, city transportation, walk?
I drive a 2001 Toyota Highlander now. Last year it was a '95 Ford Taurus. My how times change in a year!
6. how much is gas where you live? if you drive have you cut back due to the price?
Right now they're hovering at $3.99 a gallon for unleaded. I drive 5.25 miles to work so it's not too bad. My wife drives ~15 miles one-way to work so we feel it more with her car. She's trying to trade-in for a Volkswagen Beetle.
7. how have you cut back or thinking of making changes due to the prices?
Yes. We're staying home more often and not eating at restaurants as much.
8. have your summer vacation plans changed due to fuel costs?
Yes. We don't drive more than an hour away now.
9. plastic or paper?
Depends on the store and the plastic. Wal-Mart doesn't give a choice anymore. Some of the other stores are using biodegradable bags so I'm fine with using them.
10. bottled water or tap?
Usually tap but filtered. After all we have a well and not municipal water.
11. do you recycle? how so?
Yes. Local ordinances require us to recycle but I'd do it anyway. We have a bin for "clean" paper (i.e. no boxes that have food stuck to them like pizza boxes) and a container for everything else (the disposal server sorts for us). Only bummer is that only certain plastics are recycled and more and more they're not the ones in our packaging.
12. free tv, dish, cable or other?
Cable. Comes with my broadband 'net connection.
13. eating out more, or less?
Are we talking food or sex here?
in the news....
14. if you could pick anyone you wanted to be the next president, who would it be?
Splodge. He's good to us lot.
15. anything you'd like to add or ask?
Nope. I'm good. 
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:34 pm Reply with quote
of sound mind and body...
1. do you find yourself worrying more about chops or money these days? Money for sure.
2. where do you live - your own house, apartment, condo, your parent's basement.... long have you lived there?
I'm going on 10 years at my town home.
3. how do you pay your bills? job, trust fund or social security?
....if you have a job, what do you do? graphic designer
4. where were you born? a hospital, a car, or perhaps a barn?
Morton Plant Hospital in Clearwater, Florida
5. how do you get around town? your car, city transportation, walk? car
6. how much is gas where you live? if you drive have you cut back due to the price? last fill up was 3.99 G, but i've seen stations at 4.19 instead of cutting back, I just drive slower, esp with starts. Got about 20 more miles to my tank last time
7. how have you cut back or thinking of making changes due to the prices? we got rid of HBO so we're down to basic cable, we also don't go to the movies nor eat at fancy restaurants that often anymore.
8. have your summer vacation plans changed due to fuel costs?
yep, I'm not going anywhere this year... maybe camping in Wisconsin though.
9. plastic or paper? bought green bags at our local store, I bring them with me.
10. bottled water or tap? filtered tap
11. do you recycle? how so? everything except food goes in my recycle bin, I'm lucky enough to have a recycle place that takes nearly everything in one bin. And If I had my own backyard i'd compost.
12. free tv, dish, cable or other? basic cable through dish
13. eating out more, or less? way less, even bring my own lunch to work
in the news....
14. if you could pick anyone you wanted to be the next president, who would it be? anyone? I'd have to think about that one for a bit... Someone not from the normal Washington mold. But I'd like the next one not to embarrass us further, and maybe pick us up out of the crap we're in. Someone like a Thomas Jefferson.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty". -Thomas Jefferson
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