I've been here a couple days. I've read all the tutorials, but not the user submitted ones. I've seen the galleries, read up about how contests work, and I've seen some marvelous images from you people. This looks like a good place!
About Me, re Photoshop:
I'm sorta stuck. I don't have CS2. I'm using PS 6.01. No money, honey. I am disabled, and Social Security income doesn't allow me to make a $265 purchase. I'm kinda angry about that. Mostly frustrated, but angry too.
I've been Photoshop-ing for years. However, it has been limited to correcting photos that come out of my digital camera. I have a few that are, while not stellar, are appealing and have a nice look. Lately, my interest in PS has changed. I wanna try my hand at real art, Photoshop style. It's pretty fascinating what can be done, and the techniques to 'get there from here' are not rigid. This suits me!
I have a few tuts and advice to contribute. I hope you enjoy them.
I'll enter some contests when they inspire me, but probably not a lot of 'em. Pain severlylimits my time. I certainly seeing your work though, so browsing the galleries is a real treat!
About Me, re Internet discussion boards, user comments, and general behavior:
I've very tired of seeing thoughtless remarks. I'm also very tired of small talk. I've been Internetting since it's inception. Please.... Think before you speak and consider the consequences. You may maker yourself look stupid, or hurt someone without meaning to. Please... say more than 'thats nice' -- say something that isn't shallow. You won't hold my interest if I see too much of either of these. You won't hold other's interest if you behave this way, either. Do yourself a favor. Have depth and get to know each other. The Net is a great place to meet people, but nobody ever gets to know you if you don't show any depth.
I am 57 years old.
That's me. Here I is, for what's it worth (and in my opinion, a lot)!
Now, let the fun begin. I feel creative.

You guys have inspired me. I hope we can be friends too.