Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Voting - What turns you on, and turns you off - Reply to topic
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Location: High Bridge, New Jersey
Wed Jun 25, 2008 8:59 pm Reply with quote
As a recent arrival, I'm always wondering why entries win, while trying to do my own thing anyway.
Turn-ons for me, and apparently the majority of voters:
+ The pic stands alone as a good image, without knowing what the source was.
+ The pic would sell a product if used as an eye-catcher in a print ad.
+ The quality of the Photoshoppery is good: good knockouts, good shading, matching resolutions, proper perspective, proper reflections, etc.
+ The pic tells a story.
+ The final pic uses the source in an unexpected way.
+ The pic uses a lot of source, rather than collaging a lot of external images.
+ The final image is not overly filtered, unless the elements are not meant to be seen clearly.
_________________ Seelcraft
Chemists have solutions!
Thu Jun 26, 2008 10:46 am Reply with quote
podgorski wrote: Turn on:
A good story behind the image or just a totally creative idea different from all the other entrys.
I specially love social themes integrated in images (but with taste, of course) which reminds us all of some problem and surreal images.
Turn offs:
Just a basic use of 2-3 filters to create a chop in which you can actually tell what filters are used.
When i see a chop which is done following a tutorial step by step without any creativity and thinking involved... Happened a few times that i see a great image but i also know of a tutorial explaining exactly the same thing, people don't even bother to change it a bit.
So basicly, i love when people use their brain and do something unique with it and dislike when they do the opposite  i totaly agree here, so i dont have to type this again
Location: Ontario, Canada
Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:31 pm Reply with quote
Big Turn Off: When I can't see anything from the source
Big Turn On : Creativity - I mean go crazy people !!! LOL
Location: Near Albany, NY
Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:17 pm Reply with quote
On: Fantastical images (dragons, fairies, and the like)... I tend to like not-photorealistic images, but more animated stuff? Word for this? And the morphing of a source into an animal or something totally unrelated to the source.... Makes me wonder where someone gets that vision to "see" something else in the source that I can't find. Bright colorful images, or ones that tell a tale (whether happy or dark)
Off: not much... It is hard to offend me, but if it doesn't speak to me, I just don't look at it again. 
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Thu Jul 03, 2008 10:57 am Reply with quote
turn on's: HOOTERS
turn off's: NO HOOTERS
Location: Rochester, New York
Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:16 am Reply with quote
Turn Offs - Overused ideas (Eyes, flowers, etc) Ideas that are cliche
Turn Ons - Original, out of the box, seperate from the crowd ideas!
Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:27 pm Reply with quote
DKCdesigns wrote: As the title states, what kind of chops move you (in either direction ... lol). Couple of things to get the discussion flowing;
Turn on - Being able to tell a definitive story in a one tile image almost always gets a vote from me.
Turn off - Gratuitous use of blood and guts is an instant turnoff to me, even if it is perfectly done. I realize this is a personal taste thing, but I can't help it. I do like a dark image, just not violence for the sake of shock value.
So, what gets your juices flowing ... or dries them up  good work turns me on, can be skills, idea, humor, theme
what turns me of? fast jobs with only filter use
Location: Anywhere but where I am.
Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:29 pm Reply with quote
Turn on: surreal images, but with good taste,execution and Ideas.Photo-realistic chops with a completely different view of the source, not literally speaking. I like images with a meaning, not necessarily a story. Plus, I like good color choice, light choice and the right amount of contrast, And some times black and white, if it fits the theme. And humor.
Big No-no's  : Overused Ideas, bad lighting, little contrast, (bad taste) Over-desaturated images Cough... marco...Cough, Erm excuse me!
Pointless ideas,little focus, Tooooo much contrast
Too many filters used. Quick chops. Little effort. Just Blahh ideas!!!!!
Accidently surreal, no lighting, no shadows,no relflections...
And just plain Ugly!!
Thought I'd help keeping this on front page
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