Over the years here I have made many derogatory remarks regarding the quality of American beer. These remarks have mostly stemmed from my experience with such beverages as Miller Genuine Draft, Bud Light, (heavens forbid) Rainier Beer, and anything from Schlitz or Anheiser Bush.
This past week, though, I was able to sample (a LOT) some FRICKIN AMAZING beers produced in US of A. These were varied in their taste to an amazing degree. Even their packaging was creative and inspiring. And there were more varieties than I could count on all of my 20 digits. (after drinking a bit, all my 40 digits

True, all these beers were made in Portland, Oregon. AND it WAS the beginning of their month-long Craft Beer Festival. And pretty much every beer manufacturer there is gonna vote Democrat. AND I was REALLY THIRSTY at the time.
They were, in all legal manor and way of construction, American beers.
I say to you Yankees and Brit-Splitters: I am sorry. I was wrong. About your BEER, anyway...
My deepest saddness was realizing that I'm about 8 hours away from this great magical place of Wonderful Yankee Suds. Maybe, once I'm rich and powerful, I'll build a mono-rail transit system that will take me directly to John's Market, just outside Portland, where I'll have quick access to over 1000 different FINE and EXCELLENT beers.
[props to Matt n' Beck for showing me the light!
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!