TofuTheGreat wrote:
Internet petitions carry all the weight of tissue paper. They're not the same as an actual petition where the signatures can be matched to a real person. Sadly this online petition won't amount to much. She's better off getting a real petition in her county/state and changing the laws where she lives (and getting the judge removed from the bench).
The "system" she's having problems with is a local system and not a nationwide legal issue. That's not to say that there aren't tons of problems with our legal system. I'm just pointing out that family law and child protective services are a county/state issue and not a federal issue.

...................but do you believe that the nationwide legal system needs to step things up and get involved to improve our state and local child systems

..i do because the state and county systems where i live are failing and have been for many many years .the system needs to be re thought ..and ..needs re ruled me ive been dealing with my state for the past 5 yrs ....and there is no reason why my child is still locked in this system ...and my state and county does nothing but prolong it for tha cash....she is going to need more than a internet petition..i agree... but having the support is all the importance ...o and having a good lawyer is key as well.

all i can say is good luck to her ...if she is dealing with the same type system i am ...luck and support is wats going to keep her going...however it only takes a second to sign it..