When I'm working, I need concentration but at the same time I constantly think about something else and having regularly some flashbacks. Probably the same happen to most of you. I remembered one bad day, told the story to my wife and she laughed so much, so I thought to share this one...
In 1985, I built my first illustration portfolio. 75% of some new airbrush personal projects, and I kept 25% of my old graphic design concepts.
Some potential clients told me that my portfolio was very impressive. One of them was Québec Rock, the local rock music magazine. The first meeting with them was very stimulating. They were very enthusiastic and gave me a nice project to realize. Well, I thought it was nice but they weren't close to be realistic about the deadline & budget... but I didn't know.
What they were not conscious about, and me neither, is that my lack of experience can be something risky .
This is one thing to draw what you like without any constraints (like my old portfolio), and this is something else to understand the needs and complexity of a project and to carry it out well. So, I had 3 days to realize an illustration that I estimate today about 2 very big weeks of work. The budget was 400$. Knowing that their budget was
tiny, they told me that my name will appear in the magazine and it was a
very good opportunity for me (bullshit!). Today my estimation for a project like that is around 10000 to 12000$. They asked for something hyper-realistic, a man and a woman in a swimming pool, the guy just appearing from underwater splashing the girl lying down on an inflated mattress and having the brand new waterproof yellow Sony Walkman in her hands... all the water drops in motion included. Normally this kind of project need enough budget just to pay a good photographer to shoot pictures of models in a pool, and realizing the illustration from it. I didn't know. Anyway, in lack of budget, I was just searching references in magazines (no Google in 85), and taking some good Polaroid pictures for some details. The result: the water & Walkman were well done but holly shit... the couple looked like made in rubber, especially the arms & hands. The result was weird!!
Like I said, they were very enthusiastic at the first meeting, they were even more when I brought them the illustration. They were very excited to see the result. They were expecting
a lot!
I work so hard. I was so tired, I didn't sleep the night before, soooo tired that I wasn't sure to which point the illustration was bad.
So I put the illustration on their table. The illustration was protected by a tracing paper. When they took it off, they became soooo quiet!! No sound, no noise, I think they were not breathing anymore. I felt it was like that for 2-3 minutes. And I finally heard a guy from the other room talking loud and saying "Oh the illustration guy is there! I can't wait to see the masterpiece!" He just walked fast & appeared... ... ... the same thing... totally silent. It was the unanimity, they all thought this was such a crap!!!
I never had the courage to look at them. I was totally uncomfortable. I don't remember what we were saying after, I don't even remember if we shacked hands, I don't remember anything else than being out, talking to myself and saying "Shit! I totally suck! I can't be a real illustrator! Stop it and go to find a real job!"
That's bad! Today, I regret one thing... I threw the magazine in garbage can when I received by mail the printed magazine with my name on it. So I can't show you how the artwork sucked...
I hope my English isn't too bad and easy to follow...