Thank you, everyone!! Evelyn is doing VERY well! She was taken off the last little bit of breathing support last night. This morning, they moved her from the warming isolet to an open-air bed. They hope to get her off the last of her IV support today and move her to the "Graduate Nursery" (Continuing Care Nursery) either tonight or tomorrow. (It's still part of the NICU, but not nearly as intensive. We'll have more freedom to pick her up without a nurse's permission and assistance.) She's eating well by bottle and learning to nuzzle, then eventually suckle. I'm learning to sympathize with Holsteins. The standard minimum for a baby going home (from this hospital) is 35 weeks gestational age equivalent and meeting all the milestones. That means Evelyn might get to come home in just another week! Keep your fingers crossed!
One thing I hope she doesn't grow out of: Evelyn is thus far very calm and easy to soothe. I won't mind if she winds up looking just like Mr. Caf, but so far she has
my disposition as a baby, and I hope it sticks!
Yes, I have dozens more pictures, but I haven't gotten to sort through them to pick our a few more to share yet. I will soon!
Thanks again for all your congratulations and well-wishing, everyone! Mr. Caf and I truly appreciate it!!

Cafn8d / Melissa