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Location: Ormond Beach,Florida
Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:54 am Reply with quote
Been using Flash CS3 for a while, but yesterday it started acting strange. I made a Flash puzzle with 56 pieces and coded everything and it works fine on the website. I went back into Flash to make a new banner and now it will not display the test movie or save correctly. Let me clarify, I start with default stage, I put random words on the stage, convert to movie clip, insert new keyframe, move my text to new keyframe, insert tween. When I go to "Control/Play" it works fine, if I "Ctrl/Enter" to preview in a new box, it only flashes the first frame and none of the rest of the animation. If I export movie / Flash 9, it does the same thing. (???) What did I do wrong? I check all the presets and nothing has changed. HELP!!!
Location: London
Thu Jul 17, 2008 5:12 am Reply with quote
jkmansell wrote: Been using Flash CS3 for a while, but yesterday it started acting strange. I made a Flash puzzle with 56 pieces and coded everything and it works fine on the website. I went back into Flash to make a new banner and now it will not display the test movie or save correctly. Let me clarify, I start with default stage, I put random words on the stage, convert to movie clip, insert new keyframe, move my text to new keyframe, insert tween. When I go to "Control/Play" it works fine, if I "Ctrl/Enter" to preview in a new box, it only flashes the first frame and none of the rest of the animation. If I export movie / Flash 9, it does the same thing. (???) What did I do wrong? I check all the presets and nothing has changed. HELP!!!
if you havent worked it out yet upload your project file somewhere and I'll have a look at it.
PM me though coz I'll probably forget to check back here.
Location: Yorkshire,
Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:09 am Reply with quote
did you do the animation inside the _mc? if so you will need a stop action on that frame on the main time_line ///stop();///, sounds like the scrubber is playing strait over the _mc again and again, shove the .fla file in a zip and send it to me or gran, pm me for my email addy.
"Control/Play" will just play the sceen you are in, "test movie" will play the main time_line skipping over the movie clip.
if you want to go back to the main time_line after the anination put this code in the last frame, ///_root.gotoAndStop(put frame # here);///
Location: Ormond Beach,Florida
Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:29 am Reply with quote
Thanks guys! PM's sent with fla file. Hope it helps.
Location: Yorkshire,
Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:20 am Reply with quote
frame 1 is showing, frames 50 to 60 are showing, just the frames with actual motion on them are not showing, strange, flash does stuff like this sometimes for no reson other than to piss us off, my version works ok on the same .fla you sent me, your version works with the scrubber but not on test mode or online,
still working on it
Location: Yorkshire,
Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:19 am Reply with quote
OK, cant find anything wrong with your .fla so i threw in a bouncy ball instead
delete any traces of of the test .swf and .fla, open a new folder on your desktop, open a new file in flash and save it to the new folder before you do anything to it, give them both new names and redo the animation, i think Flash is second guessing you, i'm having the same problem with an entire web site making a second site with a few slight changes, renamed and saved in a new folder, no matter witch .fla i open they both revert to the original site, damned anoying
Location: Ormond Beach,Florida
Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:25 am Reply with quote
Strange is if I just throw in a ball or block and animate it like I do the text, same size and locations, it works just fine. Seems to be only with text. My last 3 projects were an animated color changing header, a gradiant text banner and a 56 piece puzzle with code and they all worked okay. 
Location: Ormond Beach,Florida
Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:15 pm Reply with quote
splodge wrote:
delete any traces of of the test .swf and .fla, open a new folder on your desktop, open a new file in flash and save it to the new folder before you do anything
Hurray!!!!  I opened Flash, started a new project in Actionscript3 then immediatly saved it, then went back and did my text effect and it WORKED!!!!
Weird how that changed all of a sudden. It's got to be something I did somewhere. Thanks guys for all your help!!!
Location: Ormond Beach,Florida
Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:03 pm Reply with quote
Changed my Font mapping and it appears to be working okay now!!!!
Thanks everyone that PM'd me with advice!
You guys/gals are the greatest!!
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