Hiya all, just have a question for you all,
My Advantage has just run out, how is it worth my while to renew my subscription?
I'm only a new member, my first (trial) subscription was for 3 months and has just run out, but honestly, what's the point of it?
In the last 3 months there has only been 2 competitions run with prizes, that's not what I expected when I joined originally.
(without double checking if people were serious or not) from random posts in the forum, a few winners have never received their prize.
Before anyone jumps in and says "Dechene, you're a long way off the skill level required to win a contest, why don't you stfuac?", well 1, I know that

, and 2, that's not the point.
The site advertises itself as having prizes and has links to show off how many prizes they've given away; stands to reason that prizes should be offered a little bit more often than twice in 3 months doesn't it?
[b]From the Advantage signup page:
# Enter contests one month early[/b]
This is a big reason that I joined in the first place, I need the extra time to work on images because I'm still very new to Photoshop and it's hard to fit PSC in every day, I'm lucky if I can quickly come through and vote on images every 3-4 days let alone set time aside to make some.
# Entered in our monthly prize drawing
Monthly? Where do I find out when the next prize drawing is? Or who won the last one? Or who has ever won one, I've never seen nor heard a mention of these Monthly Computer
Prize Drawings anywhere else on the site, have you guys?
# Upload entries up to 1280x960 / 512KB
# Higher resolution source images
What can I say, bigger is better, these are good points. But I would like to be able to enter gifs as big as the source, why can't we?
# Upload and vote on which image we use next
Sounds great but i've no idea how far away my images are from being shown in the voting stage. I submitted some, it's been a couple months, it might be another 2 months til its voted on and then maybe another month before it is put into a comp, maybe there could be a faster way?
# Enhanced members only chat room
I get a special chat section; yeah...but there is a normal chat one anyways.
# Unlimited favorites, Fewer ads
Fewer ads, I've paid money, shouldn't that be NO ads?
I do like it here, I am not trying to slam the site or get myself kicked out, but I just think that some things should change a bit.
Like maybe:
Get some prizes in, or remove references to them.
Maybe every Thursday PSC could give away a weeks worth of Advantage to the winner, that'll cost nothing but I'll bet that
that comp gets the most entries every week.
Give members a spot to upload some of their own images to their portfolios, to show off some of the other chops they've made that they are proud of.
Update the tutorial section on a regular basis! I know it is time consuming but surely out of all the great artists on the site, a couple would be able to knock out a tut every now & again, give them more Advantage Time for doing so!
Or maybe 'buy' tuts from other member only sites, find a similar site and try share resources with them.
Alright my rambling rant has gone on way too long, I'm tired its 2am, and you probably stopped reading after I wrote 'Hiya' anyway, so I'll give it a rest.
Once again I'm not bagging PSC, I really like it here, I just want to know why people renew their subscription, so, let me know would you?
Thanks a lot,