Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Brain Storm - Why should I renew my Advantage? - Reply to topic
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Should Dechene renew his PSC Advantage? |
Yes - And stfuac! |
65% |
[ 29 ] |
No - But stfuac! |
20% |
[ 9 ] |
No - And piss off and don't come back! |
13% |
[ 6 ] |
Total Votes: 44
Location: Cloud Cuckoo Land
Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:01 am Reply with quote
 Have another one Naiko 
_________________ The revolution is just a T-Shirt away.
Location: hum let me think, oh i know, if you look real hard i sometimes appear in your forum's text box
Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:01 am Reply with quote
arcaico wrote: once the word "prizes" showed up in this thread, did anyone get the tournament prizes? My bro asked me today when he's gonna get his prizes... and had to say... dunno... proc is always missing... Anyone got them? i did not... but i spoke to proc about giving mine to some one that desierves it... as to pass on the good deed that you all have shown me... he said no and asked if i still wanted it... i said yes.  and my reply is still in the outbox
but Dechene... in all honesty advantage is a wonderful thing to have. i myself have never purchased it. and am thankful to have it. that in its own way is a prize in mhop. if you are truley asking i would say yes do purchase it
but either or... i can tell you no matter what things are said to gain by having advantage... you will never find wonderful people and learn soo much that you will here at psc...rather than on any other site...
so w/ that said if you can afford it than think of it as way of supporting this place... and keeping it alive. and allways remember to pass the things you learn to newer members as you were once in their shoes...
HOWS THAT FOR A SOAP BOX SPEACH!!! kindly steps off runs away down 2 flights of stairs and grabs a beer to make it all better 
PSC is like a gang... i got beat in... if i leave... they'll beat me off!!!
Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:21 am Reply with quote
I wanted to say something important to change everyones mind about advantage but couldn't... truth is, no one can fix a broken system. I really wanted to buy advantage but HOW I been seeing things, I'll hold a bit longer. Besides $30,40 is not pocket change anymore 
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Fri Jul 25, 2008 1:12 am Reply with quote
There are those that need and/or enjoy pondering for a whole month on a chop.
There are those that DETEST having that much HANG TIME on something (in truth) as un-important as PSC CONTESTS.
The prizes seem to be a moot point as no one seems to get them.
The CHAT a la ADVANTAGE is MUCH BETTER than the boring and usually lifeless "normal" chat.
Just some points...
For me, a week is PLENTY of advance warning for a chopper with any talent or inclination.
Prizes that you don't get don't really matter.
I'm surprised that one of you here said you actually improved your job position due to PSC - that is a surprise and good to hear. But 99% of the time being good here doesn't REALLY affect your REAL WORLD STANDINGS as far as putting bread on the table. You probably could have gotten even MORE points if you'd done the choppin' in only a day or two instead of telling your boss you had a month.
Okay - I've had a nasty Flu Bug an I'm not fully over it, so I'll stop ranting now. I'll blame it on the MEDS.
Desh - you know what to do. Stop WASTING MY BANDWIDTH!!!
*goes and lies down in a pool of his own sweat*
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: Las Vegas Baby!
Fri Jul 25, 2008 1:16 am Reply with quote
Holy Crap! I think I see what's happening here. Anyone notice that grefix has responded not too positively to Dechene after months without a peep? Notice how grefix and dot have been conspicuously absent for the last while?
Here's the deal folks. Dot is Dechene and these two are having it out on PSC's dime.
I think you both are the greatest. It's a shame whatever has happened to you happened but please quit the nonsense around here.
Thank You
Even if I'm wrong. Dot please come back, We miss you. You too Grefix.
_________________ chop chop
Location: hum let me think, oh i know, if you look real hard i sometimes appear in your forum's text box
Fri Jul 25, 2008 1:26 am Reply with quote
ReinMan wrote: There are those that... mumble mumble... cough spit spit.... hack...
Okay - I've had a nasty Flu Bug an I'm not fully over it, so I'll stop ranting now. I'll blame it on the MEDS.
Desh - you know what to do. Stop WASTING MY DRINKING TIME!!!
*goes and lies down in a pool of his own sweat*  hey rein i got the perfect answer to why you are feeling so bad... its because your body wasn't adjusted to PORTLAND BEERS!!! it took you around a month to realize it because now you are going through withdrawals
get better rein dude... and desh do what ya gotta do but listen to your heart 
PSC is like a gang... i got beat in... if i leave... they'll beat me off!!!
Location: Austin, TX
Fri Jul 25, 2008 1:36 am Reply with quote
I want to say something in this I can...
say something else really really small like other people have done!!
Speaking of prizes, where is my free 3-months of advantage for losing in the 2nd round of H2H?  That should be easy to give out; and my subscription is almost out 
Fri Jul 25, 2008 3:20 am Reply with quote
Goat1981 wrote: I want to say something in this I can...
say something else really really small like other people have done!!
Speaking of prizes, where is my free 3-months of advantage for losing in the 2nd round of H2H?  That should be easy to give out; and my subscription is almost out 
Did you prize winners all send a pm to Procyon? I think that would be the place to start.
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:02 am Reply with quote
annajon wrote: Goat1981 wrote: I want to say something in this I can...
say something else really really small like other people have done!!
Speaking of prizes, where is my free 3-months of advantage for losing in the 2nd round of H2H?  That should be easy to give out; and my subscription is almost out 
Did you prize winners all send a pm to Procyon? I think that would be the place to start.
I don't get the whole.....PM PROC thing....damn, if it's his site....his contest....and his prizes....why the hell do you have to pm him.....UGHHHHH....seems to me he needs to become a little more reliable and active in the everyday dealings of PSC. You should not have to wait months after winning a contest to get your advantage MEMBERSHIP.  It's always...i pm'ed proc...he has not responded yet.....or i left a pm in MODCHAT...and he has not responded yet....Days go by.....sometimes weeks before you get a responce. Now i know going to school and jumping from place to place can be hard, But he did BUY the site. I'm not trying to bash proc....i just think if you buy a would assume to keep the business alive you are going to have to devote alot of hours and hard work. If you work at a job and come payday your boss can not be reached and you don't get paid....ARE YOU COMING NEXT WEEK.
Quote: For me, a week is PLENTY of advance warning for a chopper with any talent or inclination.
hell i still chop the day before a contest.....  of course that's because i'm lazy as hell.
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:59 am Reply with quote
ReinMan wrote:
I'm surprised that one of you here said you actually improved your job position due to PSC - that is a surprise and good to hear. But 99% of the time being good here doesn't REALLY affect your REAL WORLD STANDINGS as far as putting bread on the table.
I did. I really did Reindude. I am now the Assistant Manager of the Art Department. AND I thank each and every one of you (even arc) who helped me through a really tough part of my life, and taught me a lot about this fun little program that I love so. Because of that knowledge I have learned (and am still learning) here, I was able to impress a very large potential client to make the switch to our company. It was all because of those PS skills I learned here. We landed a multi-million dollar account because of me being able to do some quick masks, color corrections, and fixes to their art on the fly. So it was really because of PSC and the awesome people who frequent this place. We've since lost that account, because there was TOO much work.  But I digress
so again, THAT was a huge prize. And one that I cannot thank everyone here enough for. 
Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:55 am Reply with quote
dewdew wrote: I don't get the whole.....PM PROC thing....damn, if it's his site....his contest....and his prizes....why the hell do you have to pm him.....UGHHHHH....seems to me he needs to become a little more reliable and active in the everyday dealings of PSC. You should not have to wait months after winning a contest to get your advantage MEMBERSHIP. Argh It's always...i pm'ed proc...he has not responded yet.....or i left a pm in MODCHAT...and he has not responded yet....Days go by.....sometimes weeks before you get a response. Now i know going to school and jumping from place to place can be hard, But he did BUY the site. I'm not trying to bash proc....i just think if you buy a would assume to keep the business alive you are going to have to devote alot of hours and hard work. If you work at a job and come payday your boss can not be reached and you don't get paid....ARE YOU COMING NEXT WEEK.
Almost sad, ALMOST.
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:58 am Reply with quote
Shaman, that is a cool story and good to hear.
When I started here I had a "secret dream" that someone out there would recognize my talents here and hire me, or at least give me a room in the castle and I'd get fed and all I'd have to do is entertain the lords n ladies with my photochop wizardry (and somewhat unrefined humour).
In the end, I've never had that BUT I did learn so much in those early days (daze?). Some of the "wizards" of that time (oh so long ago in 2004~2005) really helped me start seeing photoschlep as a whole new world. With my recent rebranding of my company photoshop has come full center in my photographer's world. I really do owe a large part of that to this silly website. I guess that is one reason I hang around here still - and do my best to entertain and give somewhat worthy advice when I can.
Perhaps I'll get back into "competitive" chopping again, but I've never really liked competing much. I LOVE learning though.
AND I DO AGREE: our site owner is far too absent here, as far as making sure this site delivers what it says it will deliver. It feels a bit usery to make whatever profit he does from this site (it MUST make some amount of money) and yet there seems very little investment back to the very artists and choppers who make this site work. That don't feel right to me. You listening PROC? (I won't send you a PM as I'm sure your inbox is already full to the brim!  )
BUT IN THE END, it ain't Proc nor JMH that made this site work - it was us choppers. Overall we've done well here. Even with these issues, and EVEN with Splodge as a MOD (BIGGEST MISTAKE EVA!) we still are one of the better online communities out there. Our heart and soul are (mostly) intact.
Hi Fives all around!
(now let's find Proc and burn the wheels on his Porche!) 
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:43 pm Reply with quote
janetdog wrote: Dot is Dechene and these two are having it out on PSC's dime.
I think you both are the greatest. It's a shame whatever has happened to you happened but please quit the nonsense around here.
And the pope is actually Elvis Presly in disguise, he just wanted to be the king of something again
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:20 pm Reply with quote
Grefix wrote: janetdog wrote: Dot is Dechene and these two are having it out on PSC's dime.
I think you both are the greatest. It's a shame whatever has happened to you happened but please quit the nonsense around here.
And the pope is actually Elvis Presly in disguise, he just wanted to be the king of something again
Well i be damned, I knew that bastard was in the witness protection that is why the POPE smells like peanutbutter and banana's samiches.  That's also why last Easter as the Pope finished his yearly speach....some guy came on the intercom and announced....LADIE AND GENTLEMEN....THE POPE HAS LEFT THE BUILDING.
IT's all so clear now. 
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