blue_lurker wrote:
It will only ever be truly anoun if you get msn to shut down on a Thursday

OK I don't mean to pick on you lurker, but...
All I ever hear about is MS flippin N
What about Google chat? or AOL IM? Why is it only MSN? Are you all telling me cheaters only use MSN? Is that it? Well lets round up everyone who uses MSN then, and have a firing squad to kill all of them! That should solve ALL the cheating problems!!!

What about PM's here? Those gotta go too I guess...

And only on Thursdays this is a big deal? You mean to tell me people aren't talking any other day of the week?
Yeah, yeah the system isn't perfect, and I doubt it ever will be. BUT most of us aren't chatting to each other telling everyone which entry is ours for anon contests. At least thats my understanding. But also understand I'm not naïve. It doesn't take a genius to figure out people still try to cheat. BUT... Seems the best entry/ideas
usually rise to the top during these contests. You mean to tell me someones PM'ing 50+ people to psst vote for me!?
LOOK all I'm sayin is Anon Thursdays are for fun! There are no prizes. So whats the big deal? If you need to cheat to get votes for a anonymous contest what does that get you? NOTHING.
I personally love seeing how many people vote for my entry not knowing its me. What I find more interesting is the people who don't normally even bother with my entries, all of a sudden vote for them, when they don't know its me. Sure some guess people know other styles. Should we get rid of doing your own style for those contests too? Marco, no blood or extensions! Micose, don't do anything you normally do...
Final Summation...
There will always be cheaters, and those who find ways to go around the rules, anon or not. Thats life. Problems aside, can't we just have as much fun with this as we can? Geesh. Should we just freakin shut down the site, cause its getting too thick in here with all the complaints/problems? I don't ever remember it being this bad when I first joined.