This is not about votes, but about views
A friend asked me yesterday ‘Why don’t you look at the last entry in a contest?’ I was surprised, because I always do so. Today I take a good look over the last 7 day’s of contest. And he is ‘shocking’ right. Sometimes I’m a day to late with my entry… I won’t do that anymore… because I chop in good sleeping time!
It’s not about votes… but about respect, takes a little time for every chopper. And sometimes a very good chop comes in at the last day and nobody looks at it. That’s a shame.
I promise that I will take care and will pay attention on every chop.
While I’m babbling…
I want to say sorry to you all that I not comment very often… that’s because:
- The language (I can read it well - except some slang -, but writing is difficult)
- The time (work, kids, real life: what’s new?)
- I feel that, while I’m still learning, therefore I’m not in a position to give other comments than: good, fantastic, love it, etc.
But I’m very happy with your pm's, help and comments: THANKS!
And now I have to say something like: soapbox or 2 cts, I think…