Sorry I was so silent over the weekend and didn't keep up on my chop challenge thread but for good reasons.
First is that I had to put my cat down on Friday night. I know some people think cats are useless animals but I'm a cat and dog person and Puck was truly a beloved animal companion. He had been my friend for 13 years and was the most affectionate cat you ever met. He would climb onto a strangers lap and instantly curl up and purr like the person was an old friend. Yeah I cried like a baby and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
Then Saturday I had to take my son's scout troop to summer camp. I spent the morning wiring my SUV so I could tow the trailer with all their gear. Somehow I pulled a muscle in my neck and it impinged on a nerve. I couldn't turn my head to the right at all without excruciating pain. This was fun as I had to spend the night in a tent and stay at the camp until the replacement leader could get there.
BUT! Before I even got 1/3 of the way to the camp my transmission overheated while towing the trailer. I had to unload all the gear out of the trailer and into my car (alone and with the sore neck as the guys had to be at camp on a deadline). Then I limped along and dropped the trailer off at a Church building for someone else to pick up the next day. A two hour trip took me four and a half hours.
I got home on Sunday afternoon around 3:30p, took two Vicodin, and said good-night to the world until I woke up and took two more Vicodin.
Man I'm glad the weekend is over.

Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey