Granulated wrote:

....bert used fibers.......then...then that craker's Q one....
Wed Aug 13, 2008 4:53 pm
Granulated wrote:
crack licker?
True i do suck at PS....but i'm learning...without the means to go to school to do it. At 36 years of age....raising 3 kids...the oldest a sophmore in high school with straight A's since kindergarden. If i send anyone to Class it'll be HER first, and the other 2 right behind her.
I did not come here for the wins...the votes ...or the kind words. I came with one mission...TO LEARN PHOTOSHOP.....that's what i'm doing and will continue to do. I had the balls to come here the first day i opened PS about a year ago and posted against some great folks that DO know how to use PS, and after more shit slinging than you KNOW......I'M still here. Your doing it hoping one day to land a Job. I'm doing it because it gives me a way to express myself Artistically, i guess you could say for the love of it. So if i never win or some don't like me is no big deal. I am learning...and who knows...maybe one day actually have something on a billboard, or in a gallery. Then again..i may just have a harddrive full of shit. To me...."I DONE THAT" "IT'S part of ME"...that's what matters.
I'll still be better at typing that you....even after school. (insert BIRDY icon here)
and hell no i don't mean that MOST WANTED billboard.

That ones because i don't alway's Express my self thu ART.