kinetic_be wrote:
mike.b.29 wrote:
I'm sure you can use the holes for other purposes though..
Like... for example if you are very lazy in the morning and made a habit of falling back asleep after you hit the alarm-clock, just add a thin rope trough one of your earholes and let's see how awake and shiny you are next time you turn your head to hit the alarm-clock
or... Your drumsticks!!!!!
Bet u'll be the coolest drummer ever if you carry your drumsticks in those holes, haha

woah dude wat do you think i used to stretch them out with??
a stinkin drumstick seriously i did...hey its tapered on the end...
and well the lobes are pretty dead no feeling...but it is a good idea....the prosecuter of my county loves me cause of the holes ...she tried to stick her ink pen through them....hey she got the judge to drop the charge of public intoxication....

but still he stuck me with that dam criminal mischeif..folks dont drink and walk andfall into things that could break...youll go to jail...i did..

bogus bull crap charges..but i paid my dues:)
im out for tha day yall..happy choppin.....and where the hell is candron in his thread...hmmmmm..he affriad to talk er??? is it just me?? anywho..see yall tomorra..i just might chop something...but im sure it will be all wrong

..but im sure someone will say hey ITS WRONG..and i wont take offense if they do:)
peace yall. all love