tadams wrote:
dewdew wrote:
When Picasso blows the lips and nose out of proportion on a woman....he's maybe trying to say....she is a loud mouth, nosey hag and nothing more.

I'd like to learn more about Picasso and all the other great artists through your candid interpretations. Perhaps a coffee table book, "DewDew sees Doo-doo."

it's comical...but also could be very true.
Everyone tries to make it out like the greats were great minded people, when they most likely were not . Di'vinci had a great mechanical mind, but at the same time, he almost never finished anything....could be a result of being too smart...but most likely it was A.D.D.
Who's the guy that done the field of sunflowers or poppys....everyone thinks he was so fantastic because of his brush strokes...like Monet.....hell, may be he suffered from a stoke, or just had the Shakes.
I know you have seen the movie Slingblade. Remember the guy who was sweating and scratching his head tring to get the lawnmower to start. He was checking Spark Plug Gap, timing gap, pulling the carb, checking for blocked holes......The owner calls Billybob over, and the first thing he does is take off the Gas cap and said..ITS OUT OF GAS.......

...A regular Eli Whiney on the lawnmower...but you ain't letting Carl tell you how to do your TAXES are ya.
Well i have to stop now...there are 5 pages about abstract

ART on a comment thread...and i'll be Blamed for HIjacking the damn thread with my three post if i don't.
Manic...some CHICK..i think she was a PORN STAR....

(gotta love a artistic pornstar).....that actually does this...anus abstarct stuff....

...i don't get the feeling she is all that smart...NOt too hard on the eyes....but my first impression was not Genius....oohhhh and Pamela Anderson is not Abstarct. She is a WHORE....a rich and judging from the tape, a Talented Whore.

.but a whore none the less.