Your Honor, i would like to enter the screenshot (aug16082:23 pm) into evidence. As you can see.....Lrd.Slayer STARTED IT...and my client would like to say that he was not encouraging him to do it, He just thought that if he was going to be seeing the BIG-GUY soon, it would be nice to know. So in reality, all my client is quilty of is "Seizing a Oppertunity". Now my client would also like you to know, he's washing his hands of it...he said it was UP TO GOD to get the answer back down.
His wife would ask that GOD not use her bushes out front by the curb to burn, (if thats how he does it this time), she said there is one in the backyard that he can blaze like the sun. Just watch out for the new flowers.
and on that note... i'm out, you people have had me in here all day with your non-sense. I have a LIFE you know..

.and it's not psc. I just can't spend all day yucking it up with you guys. What is the the Barbershop in Mayberry. Floyd, hand me my hat...i gotta get home for supper.