I'm the last one to tell anyone what ART IS. I've never studied the MASTER'S...I've never stepped into ART gallery...or expo. IF i did...it would be at nite...and the Jewels would be first on the list. I'm putting all of them in that big gold egyptian coffin i'm getting next....What do you mean it's TOO BIG?..

..I'm not leaving without it !
I do know what is popular sells. If they show someone on MTV with another copy of Scar-face i'll puke. One person act's all Gangst'a (i hate that word)..with Scar-face...and the thing sells more copys than when it first came out. Now everyone thinks...If you don't have Scarface in your DVD collection, you are not cool. I DON'T have Scar-Face, hell i don't have a DVD collection, and if i did CARLITO's WAY is where my money would go. Better movie all the way around. TONY is a NUTJOB.
Anyway, my point is STOP FOLLOWING THE LEADER. Modern Abstarct or what most call abstract...is not true abstarct. Picasso had some great work's, the earlier stuff before all the wine and popularity, are more interesting. His later works or the more POPULAR ones are at times CONFUSING AS HELL. Still if you see one you can say....it's a person, or its something....Maybe a WTF? something which is the thought i get when veiwing...but you can tell what it is.
All the Anus-jet blown shit is called abstract, WHY?? ASK Micose if it's Abstarct. I know he is lurking this thread...or drunk. Maybe both.
The cavemen blew pigments thru a bamboo shute to make art...but at least they put thier hand in front of it. So i could tell what the hell it was.
Then, what shocks me the most is you get this...That's the way it was "IN MY HEAD".....

...that just scares the
living shit out of me....REALLY, because if that is what is bouncing Around in that skull of thier's...I'm damn glad they use thier free time to paint. Hell Maybe Jeffery Dahmer should have been given a paint brush. Charles Manson (who is innocent

)..does not have thoughts like that...TWO WORDS:
STRONG SEDITIVES...that may stop some of those problems. If not...take more....That's why the doctor put's "AS NEEDED" on the bottle.
While some are very ARTISTICALLY DONE, and you can tell the person has skills with a brush. Most just look like the baby THREW UP. Sure it matches the Drapes and Carpeting in the room it's hanging in...and everyone loves it because they think it's SO DIFFERENT, and A REFRESHING change from the NORM....that's what people say when they have WTF? going thru thier mind....and want to look like they are smarter than they really are. OR they just dont want to say..
Some love Picasso, others hate him....Some love Rembrant's work, others think it's toothpaste. So if your painting falls of the easel face down on the floor, just because it looks neat and is different does not mean your now a ARTIST. Any art is a Expression of someone's way of looking at the everyday world, and conveying what they saw, or feel, or desire. They are trying to capture not just your eye, but your mind, and your heart. They want you to feel the sun, smell the salty breeze, hear the music, taste the cotton candy, and SEE it as they SAW it. So start LOOKING damn it.
ooooohhhhh shit Splodge, i'm sorry...i thought you meant type for the next 24 hours...and we would discuss it tommorrow.

.. Well, i've got my typing quota in for the week.

...and who put this damn soap box in the way, i damn near broke my neck trying to get around that thing....IT's for what???...Hell i thought you were out of chairs, i was just sitting on it.

.....that's taking the whole SIZE don't MATTER to the EXTREME don't cha' think. I have heard "looks like a baby's arm holding a apple"....but,i don't think that was anything like the poster.