MY god is this for real.
I simple wanted to see the guys external images so I could make an informed vote.
Do we have to stroke every ego and kiss every ass now days. Im going to take the time to respond to some of the response here. Not out of any anger or hatred but because I beleive in responding to those that take the time out comment, even if it is kickin puppies.
mastermason wrote:
I see very clearly thank you very much, but I don't see your vote on mine.
Correct because there are entries IMO that deserve my vote more now I have seen the externals.
Blue: I'm a little perplexed by your simple request. Mastermason's entry is a just an integration of images with different lighting, both of which cover up most of the source anyway. I'm not sure why it came up on your radar given your experience and careful manner by which you vote. The skill level in that entry is basic.
Tadams I asked because with all the cut and paste images in that contest I like this one and was giving the benefit of the doubt to the guy so asked for some conformation, on another image of his I asked the same question so I could show him a better way to achieve an effect, but I see no one make a big deal out of that.
I do think you could have worded the following differently: "Would like to see the externals for this before I vote if possible." How about something more simple like, "Would you mind sharing your externals?" Leave it to Mastermason to respond
Mate you will find that request on many an entry in the past at PSC, most people either ignore it or show there externals. There is nothing wrong with my request, I just asked to see his external before making my vote. His first response started me thinking, and I wonder why he was so secretive with his external, See what you don't know here is that PMs have been exchange by now.
But it doesn't stop there. It spills over into this thread, mucking everything up all because of poorly chosen words.
So being called a blackmailer and using threats is ok then
marcoballistic wrote:
this thread has gone bloody insane

its a war over nothing at all

And many a time mate you to have stayed your ground over nothing, I guess its only for the privileged few.
manic_d wrote:
hmmm now locking threads up is equivalent to deleting comments in threads. ect ect
and having to show externals and step by steps and voting becoming so complicated it needs a manual to figure out a vote. I say if you like a chop vote, if you don't then don't vote.
Hey there manic, long time no sea. I wanted the thread locked because it was getting out of fault, I was getting very pissed off. Check back on chat to see why. Showing externals is not compulsory and I did not demand and if you are proud of your work show your externals, it should not be a problem.
ScionShade wrote:
Several times I've been asked for externals, I've had to reply I used none,
But if you had used them you have shown them correct.
and that became a gossip issue which equated to my image being snubbed based on one persons insistence that I was a liar, somehow the equal of a cheater.
Never called him a cheat or a liar, dummy dickhead and wanker yes
PS is about time. Given time there is nothing I couldn't chop, and probably many, many other folks too, from scratch to the point
that you could not tell it from an actual photograph.
Thats why I asked about the externals, I new they were externals but I wanted to know just how much of the shadow work was his...because it could have been improved upon. Funny thing is people point out errors in posts and wait till they get repaired before they give a vote what's the bloody difference here.
If I don't want to brag, or argue over what I did to complete an image, it is really nobodies business. If you are going to get in a huff, not vote, and what usually happens, go and recruit other people to spread the word, and stop the voting on a deserving image then you are plain, and simply, wrong.
I was not in a huff shade I simple wanted to see the guys externals so I could form an opinion on the image to make an informed decision about how I used my vote.
Goat1981 wrote:
This thread makes me want to kick a puppy.
Rather toss a bloody midget myself
To sum it up for me, like so many people here I love this place. I have put a great deal of time and effort in trying to make it a better place. Yeah Im an old fart in years, simi-old fart in PSC time. I love this place but its times like this when a simple request makes me want to cry. I know get a life and shit said it to many times to other. The fact is all I wanted to do was give the guy some tips on light and shadow work if given the chance. Yep I got a lot pissed off but with good reason.
mastermason wrote:
I see very clearly thank you very much, but I don't see your vote on mine.
I have no intention of going anywhere and it will take a better person than you to drive me away.
I'm just enjoying winding you up a bit and I can clearly see that you have totally lost it and in great need of a spliff.
So just light up relax and inhale deep.
Yeah got wound up and I do regret the f*ck off statment, but is this what you guys want for PSC. I feel that once again Im being judged not for who or what I am, but because I give shit about this place.
mastermasion I don't know you, I don't know who you are you have not been here long enough for me to make that judgement. I can make a judgement on what you post in a contest, been here long enough to have some skill in that department. I just wanted to help you out because I liked your entry don't think I will bother again because I don't deserve this shit.(Insert cry baby image here) If this is what PSC is becoming then its a sad day for me.
I guess once again its the new world order and old farts like me just don't understand all this flaming and stirring up people things, don't see how you get enjoyment out of it. Ok made this post way to long

for splodge to read I guess its time for me to have a old farts nap and move on. (From this thread not the site, don't wanna start ya all on my case about leaving cause last time I took break ya all got into me about leaving remember)