Goat1981 wrote:
Wiz wrote:
Goat1981 wrote:
What kind of mileage did that thing get???

We used to get about 18mpg, but more like 15mpg if we ran at full speed in the water. Filling the tanks took for ages and cost a bomb, even in those days. At todays prices... just forget it
Fuel back then was only 46c a litre. The pricy things though were the tires for chrissake, $400 EACH! Ouch!
Hmm! Better mileage than I thought.
How long did the tires last? What kind of engine did this have?
I am just curious about these. I see them around Austin (and other cities) being used as touring vehicles.

A GMC Straight 6, with a few modifications that certain truckie mates helped out with!
Went like a breeze usually. Had the problem with the tires, when some local kids had some fun with their pocket knives at the local scout compound lock-up where we kept it.
They slashed 3 of them beyond repair. It was then that we found out that getting replacements were like finding hens teeth, and rarety has it's costs.
Be warned, these babies are like owning a yacht, it's like pouring money down the toilet, especially in todays world.
But it was fun while it lasted
