I am not thin skinned; I just don't understand why people have to be so damned rude...if it was meant to be a joke then they should indicate that it was. Otherwise, is a frikken insult from a perfect stranger.
I was never rude...show me where i was rude....See the words COMIC RELEIF....plus the laughing smileys in my first post....but again...you did not get the HINT.
I've had no popup blockers indicated on this site so that shouldn't be the problem. My browser is set to delete my cache every time I log off and it does. I even have done it manually to check to see if it is the problem. It is not. I've never run into a problem being disconnected for idle time at other sites. But I'm not sure what you mean by cookie setting. Do I have to set it to allow 3rd party cookies?
DO YOU? ...not trying to be RUDE here but HINT:
The thing only has two settings. 1.allow 2. block.....try the f**cking other one. Damn, would that not answer your question for you.
I wasn't choking or gasping or even mad for that matter...I was trying to make a point. You see that I never indicated anywhere that I was joking. How in hell is one to know otherwise? Especially if you don't know the person or have never had interaction with them enough to know when he or she is making a joke.
You was not trying to make a damn point. You have sit there with your PM timimng out...started a thead because your too lazy to try the OTHER setting...and did not get the answer you were hoping for so ...You just F**cking lost it....and i looked like the one to jump on.

i might suck at photoshop...BUT i got the gift of GAB..

..so we can do this for weeks.
All this over What?...TYPE FASTER...get the hint..... is that what done it?.....or was it me laughing about it?....and then you started thinking....you know

being RUDE would be a good way to bring up the rudeness at psc...OOOHHHH yeah, GOOD strategy....Hell you should be a f**cking four(4) star GENERAL...Shit Washington is lost with out your talent. I'm suprised the other GENERALS can wipe thier own ass with out you.
Simply being ADULT enought to repond with....i'm not good at hints.....or i'm typing as fast as i can...my fingers are bleeding...but i'm still having a problem. See that makes me say...the person seems to have a good sense of humour, maybe she does need some help. With that monkey rage shit you pulled out your SAD SACK....I'm thinking you NEED HELP....not PM help...but PMS help..or just a damn good psycologist in general. TRY MIDOL....it's cheaper.