dogma46an2 wrote:
im new and my pics have not gotten a single vote or comment nothing so are mine just being seen or they just suck that bad?
"Keep at it Dogma, the bar tends to be set a bit high around here and lazy chops get the flick very easily. It's no good just patching some some image overlay onto the source image and expect any hand clapping.
BTW: We all went through doing that when we first came here, so be patient eh!
What you can do, is to look at all the winning chops and see how they worked at it. First on the

IDEA, then on the manipulation, and finally on gluing it all together SEAMLESSLY so that we all scream 'How The F@ck Did He Do That! (Usually it's Marco's Work that gets this reaction)
A peek at all the tutes, and work through them one by one, wouldn't go astray, that's what a lot of newbies have done and improved their skills no end.
Now with that all said, I'll be looking out for your next entry and I'll critique it for you, but get it in early, so that you can update any changes, and there will be I assure you! OK!"
Good Luck! Wiz