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Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:07 pm Reply with quote
The pile is getting DEEP.
I live in upstate South Carolina and we are as of now in a GAS shortage. Thats right....they say it's a shortage. Prices are jumping 2 bucks on the gallon in hours. $3.70-$5.70) Get this....that is not condsidered "PRICE GOUGING" something that is illegal in South Carolina. Now at first i thought maybe a pipeline burst...or something...OOOOOHHHHH hell no, that is not it. THIS SHORTAGE IS IN ANTISIPATION of hurrican IKE.
UGHHHHH, in it has not even F'ing happened YET????? Now i just fell like pulling out my damn hair....having a shaved dome makes that almost impossible, but i'm trying like the DICKENS.
WTF are these idiots doing. This is like some kinda Third World Shit. I don't get it. The gas is there. It will be there during IKE and long after. It's only a catagory 2 Storm...  damn, that's surfing weather in Hawaii. Like the oilrig MIGHT...MIGHT become disabled. STUPID IDJUDTS.....that shit coming from that rig is 2-months from being gas. IT's the tanks 100 miles inland that has the gas we used today and tommorrow.
You know that part in the BILL OF RIGHTS that says WE have the right to overthrow the goverment and replace it. If WE feel they no longer do what's right and in the peoples best intrest. WELL, that time is coming like a bullet.
I can't begin to tell everyone just how much this is tearing into me. All you hear about is 9/11...but behind all that OOOOHHHH "WE LOVE" we wont forget SHIT...they are stabbing us right in the back. Now they say it will get better in a couple of weeks to a month, and gas should get back down to normal. NORMAL...hell gas has not been NORMAL in 5 years numbtards. I know everyone has it rough when it comes to gas...but this is like being kicked when your down. I have NEVER heard of GAS jumping 2 bucks a gallon in about an hour. All for something that has not even happened YET.
Now what about that guy who owns his own 18 is he going to get by tommorrow...What about his kids, they can't eat if he can't afford to haul that load. So the struggling he has been doing for the last few years just trying to hold on has been lost all for ANTISIPATION??? Some single mom just lost her job because she would be paying more to go to work that what she gets paid? That makes another starving kid. So i guess this will be the new ETHIOPIA. Salley Strothers should be showing up any minute.
WELL...i sure feel better.........NOT really, but ...  I have already ranted thru the i was sent in here....It guess it was PSC's turn. 
Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:28 pm Reply with quote
oil went down to @ $100./barrel today, of course prices are still for $150. that's why I got one of these babies, it runs on horseshit, something we seem to have plenty of these days.
Location: Almuñecar.
Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:25 am Reply with quote
Ship of Fuels:
I feel your anger dew2  .If it makes you feel any better here in Spain we've been paying over 1.20 € /litre for gas since this summer (that's close to $7.00/gallon if my calculations are right) and that's without an anticipated gas shortage or hurricanes or anything.That's just what it costs and we get increases every month or so as a norm.So I can sympathize with you wholeheartedly.Check out this chart on the price of oil and look at the steady increases in rates especially since 9/11 2001 (the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq definitely have a lot to do with controling its production you manipulate its price.If not,then how come now that they have gotten rid of the Taliban and Saddam Hussain the price of oil has skyrocketed instead of being reduced).And check out the exponential rise since the end of 2006 to May of 2008 where it was at $ 120 a barrel.Since then it's hit $ 150 before coming down slightly.Another interesting correlation in the chart is the sudden "peak" in the last half of 1990.It coincides directly with the Gulf War which occurred from 2 August 1990 – 28 February 1991.There is a world monopoly on oil and hummanity is addicted.A few people are getting very rich from oil interests.And many,many others are getting looted or killed.It is time for a crucial change (more like an overhall) in our collective consciousness in as far as our energy needs and consumption are concerned.We have to find a solution in alternative sustainable energy sources and get rid of our addiction to oil and fossil fuels in general once and for all or we are going to keep getting fueled again and again as you mention here.
Oil price chart.
BTW that's a sweet scooter Paul...and it runs on horseshit you say?If it runs on bullshit also I might get on too,we got lots of that here in Spain-bullrings full! 
Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:48 am Reply with quote
1.60 euro's, where I live, some days 1,59, some days 1,58, so, ..... no car for me.
What made me mad during the Katrina days, was that I heard that HOTEL and FOOD prizes went up, in those states that were taking in all those refugees from New Orleans. Talk about making money from the dead....
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:12 am Reply with quote
Paul Von Stetina wrote: oil went down to @ $100./barrel today, of course prices are still for $150. that's why I got one of these babies, it runs on horseshit, something we seem to have plenty of these days.
PVS":  It has a #3.....  That alone makes me want one.  ....if you can convert it over to run DEWDEW i'm all for it.
Lux did you say 7 bucks a gallon...  .....i would have to do without. So i guess if i move to Spain...I'm walking and cutting the grass with scissors. It's true we do have to find a replacement for fossil fuels. Most people use the word ALTERNATIVE, but that's like saying we have a choice. Once the oil is have to REPLACE it with something else. I just could not believe that this morning gas was 3.70a gallon....and by the workdays end it was climbing to 5.70 a gallon. All because of a small storm that is still out in the damn water. If the pipes bust..or if the refinery did go down...o.k. i could see the hike. That is not the's in ANTISIPATION of the storm and what damage it MIGHT DO......  What if the forecast was for snow.....the grocery store can't make BREAD 10 bucks a loaf and MILK 15 bucks a gallon. It's not only's just EVIL to pray on the ones who are in need. Maybe the next shipment of gas could be higher in price...but the shit that is in the tank now has already been paid for. They are making a profit on it already..yet the gouge the shit up two more bucks. I bet the delivery trucks never even slow down. There is no SHORTAGE....not in the least.....there is more today than there was yesterday. Average pay in this podunk hickshit of a town is like $7 bucks a hour. Most have to travel out 30-50 miles just to make a living because there is nothing here. TEXTILES MILLS ARE GONE, and nothing ever replaced them. So it's already bad...but now.  The very few that actually do make a living on the road driving a truck are hurting bad. What drivers the big companys are not putting under...the gas sure will. Can you imagine paying more for a RIG than your house....then not because of lack of work...but because you can't afford to move it out of the driveway you lose it...the house...and god knows what else. I bet JB HUNTS GAS is the same today as it was yesterday.  I would not fight for this country again if they court marshalled me. Fort Leavenworth KS. could become my permanet address before i do. Now we have McCAIN and his damn dementia....or purple lips OBAMA....i don't trust anyone with purple lips...those have not been around since the egyptians. ANTICRIST LOOKING BASTARD.
Man i might be moving to Spain....can you smoke weed in Spain???....I don't mind walking if i'm high. 
Location: hum let me think, oh i know, if you look real hard i sometimes appear in your forum's text box
Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:23 am Reply with quote
dude dew'd.... i didn't read all that but i know some other countries pay round 11 U.S. bucks for gas.... i drive nothing but volkswagens and all 3 are loud as hell!!! but they get great mpg's !!! 1 bus, 1 bug, and a mk3... 
PSC is like a gang... i got beat in... if i leave... they'll beat me off!!!
Location: Augusta, Georgia
Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:51 am Reply with quote
Dew Dew....your probably preaching to the choir here since as we read other countries have been dealing with this a long time but when my son came home and said what you just did above yesterday because I'm in the same area as you I just rolled my eyes and thought "whatever". But then I heard it all over when I started looking for it and thought the same as you. The one thing I know though which always irritated me before because there was talk with this during Katrina and I thought "the storm hasn't even hit yet" but then someone educated me that they have to shut down for a good 2 weeks I think so that everything is secured before the storm and then unsecuring afterwards and then whatever has to be replaced that got damaged.With that I understood a little better although I still feel there is "third world" involved along the way
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:50 am Reply with quote
Matt you bug driving sk8r....i realize other countries pay more for gas than we do. I am more bitching because the price jumped for something that has not hit yet. Like MG said, i can see having to shut down and repair..then restart again. That is possible, but they do design these rigs with HURRICANS in mind. If it was a catagory 5 storm...i would say all that would be warrented, but it's only 100mph winds....that small storm would not even make the rig rock good. Then take into consideration that GAS is a REFINED's not refined at the rig....that takes place at a refinery 100 miles or more inland. They have tanks that hold millions og gallons at a time. MULTIPLE tanks that hold many millions. Now if the rig did break down....hell if it sunk it would take months to start to deplete the INVENTORY. True Katrina put a big bind in the oil, but look at the damage that S.O.B. done. It flooded the whole NEW ORLEANS area. This storm is SURFING WEATHER compaired to that one. This is no more than the "bigwheels that be" greasing thier pockets using this as a excuse. They keep repeating thierself on the news saying this is only for a few weeks.....yeah right..we all know how that goes. They will drop the price by 50 cent a gallon, and that is where it will stay. Until the next storm. Don't think these million dollar oil companys don't prepair for the Storm season...they do...they plan for repairs, and replacing, and storms. These bastards are just GREEDY. You don't see California's gas jumping...just the southeastern half of the US. Hell trucks are going to NORTH CAROLINA to buy gas that is cheaper then bringing it here to sale at the jacked up prices.....  I hope the storm gains speed and increases so much that Canada gets rain from it before it hits land. They say AMERICA is the LAND OF OPPERTUNITY. It is, if you don't mind selling your soul to get it. This shit they are pulling is worse than THIRD WORLD. We are now Land of the free, home of the greed.
Location: Australia
Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:56 pm Reply with quote
Ours is around 1.60/l here, which is about $6 to the US gallon. Has been this sort of price for ages.
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:19 pm Reply with quote
bigbuck wrote: Ours is around 1.60/l here, which is about $6 to the US gallon. Has been this sort of price for ages.
 ..How much $ is not the point i'm trying to make......sorry Buck, i'm going to use your post as an example of what i'm trying to say. I know they are others that pay out the ass for fuel. I'm not denying the fact that 5 bucks a gallon is better than what some, or most pay now. That's not what bothers me.
Suppose you wakey in the morning, and your fuel prices has gone up to 3.60/l. When you find out WHY? Its in ANTISIPATION on a Storm hitting. Not for what damage is actually done, but for what damage MIGHT BE DONE.
Hey, if the oilrig sinks...they can charge me then....but don't dig them greedy grub fingers in my wallet before it sinks. That's like the cops arresting me because they ANTISIPATED i was going to rob the bank. Hell i might just be cashing a check or making a loan payment. The bartender can not charge me for beer he ANTISIPATES i MIGHT DRINK. The power company can't charge me more because they ANTISIPATE I'll be running the GROW LIGHTS. They have to wait until i consume the power. So how can the gas company do it. I'll tell you how....YOU NEED IT...ITS A MANDITORY THING. You can't ride your horse to walley world....The bastards will have somekind of no live animals on the highway law. So you either buy at the price they tell you too, OR you suffer. It's highway robbery without the mask.
They can lube it up all they want and call it love, I still feel like it's rape. Damn it NO MEANS NO. 
Location: Augusta, Georgia
Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:09 pm Reply with quote
just to give an update to this thread at the end of the day. Those in other areas that don't know it, we have a hurricane coming into one of our top oil refineries in the U.S. and that is Texas. Anyway The holding tanks at our gas stations are filled for the most part and all of a sudden a storm approaches and the country decides to raise the prices of gas because the storm is going to approach our oil refineries which it didn't hit yet. So they say that gas would probably rise at the stations here. Well I left for work this morning at 6:30 and stopped at a gas station to top off my tank to the price of $3.69 a gallon. Well I called my wife and told her how much the gas was and maybe to grab some if she needed it on her way in which was 1 1/2 hrs later. When she stopped gas had climbed to $3.99 by that short a time. When I went to lunch around noon gas price had gone to $4.50 which was about 4 hours later and at the 5:00 hour it had hit $5.00.
Not so much the price that gets me but as someone said at work the gas stations haven't been hit with the higher price fuel yet so what is justifying them to be able to jack up the price that much in hours with what they already had in their holding tanks?
Does anyone have a clue on this? I'm just trying to get some education on this. 
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:41 am Reply with quote
I talked to a Tanker driver from Spartanburg and he said he waited in line for over 4 hours to fill his tanker in NORTH CAROLINA because the gas was cheaper there than what the oil company in Spartanburg could get it for. So not only are they making a killing on the gas that is in the tanks. They are buying it up north and bringing it back to make a killing.
We pay our power bill at a small oil company in UNION. Stopped by this evening to pay it, and his gas was still about $3.90. I thought..YES i found some that i can get by on. NOPE been sold out since before 9:00 a.m. this morning and he can't afford to have anymore put in. This is a MOM and POP oil company but still if he can't afford the price...i'm really worried about what the public is suppose to do. He said if it has not come down in a few days..he would have to shut the doors. Not even he had a warning it was coming. People are going to start TAKING the shit. SHORTAGE MY ASS...I'm really starting to get worried.
Funny thing i did notice today is that the cops are still leaving the cars running while they are in the store, and eating. I feel like reaching in and turning that bubblegum runner off. Here we are scared that we can't afford gas and that fat PIG has his air on with the car running. While he sips coffee and shoots shit inside the store they are raping us at.....
How are they not reporting whats going on. I see nothing on CNN, or FOX....plenty about how IKE is approaching, but nothing on the gas prices jumping. Then when local news reports it they play it down like it is big deal....go on about your lives.  It's like it is a covert Black op secret that you are not suppose to know or question. That is THIRD WORLD. 
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Sat Sep 13, 2008 7:57 am Reply with quote
The stations here pretty much ran out of fuel yesterday. I just drove around and got lucky.
The station up the block here has been out since yesterday afternoon, except for super. All people saw was the bags on the pump saying empty, so nobody has been in there. Since noone has been going in there they didn't bother to change their prices. I just got a tank of super for $3.91 a gallon.
Location: Photoshop Nation
Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:18 am Reply with quote
doesn't the u.s. have massive amount of reserves? aren't they put aside for these reasons?
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