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Why do you vote for gifs

because OMFG its moving and I have no idea how to do that so it must be magic!



[ 6 ]

I vote for quality along with the fact its animated



[ 27 ]

I don't vote for gifs or only unless they are outstanding.



[ 18 ]

Total Votes: 51



Post Fri Sep 19, 2008 12:28 pm   Reply with quote         

In your top 6 only this one named Gringo would actually be a good example for all PSChoppers, because only that one is below 125 kb, which is about what a NON advantage member can bring to the table.

All others are great, but not what many PSC members can create due to limits.

I normally don't vote for gifs, have done in the past, but not these days, unless it is an amazing one. I have made gifs in the past, and I know my limitations, and I hated the quality loss in ImageReady when the gif gets too big.

So, anybody who manages to get something outstanding done with the limitations will get a vote.
Or, if they make a very funny gif, that makes me laugh.

Or when it is not made by Marco ...... Shocked .... oops, sorry Marco.... Smile


Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder

Post Fri Sep 19, 2008 12:31 pm   Reply with quote         

annajon wrote:
In your top 6 only this one named Gringo would actually be a good example for all PSChoppers, because only that one is below 125 kb, which is about what a NON advantage member can bring to the table.

thats exactly why I used it as an example.

I'm glad we're talking about this.
Should have been talked about ages ago.

I'm just very curious to see everyones opinions.
and I'd like to get an awakening about what should (and should not) be considered great, when it comes to animation in our contests.

again, if you hold static images to one set of standards, why aren't we holding those same standards for gifs? they are in the same contests are they not?

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Post Fri Sep 19, 2008 1:20 pm   Reply with quote         

For me to vote for a has to be...well chop standards and by motion standards.


Location: London

Post Fri Sep 19, 2008 1:22 pm   Reply with quote         

this utter wanker has done a few gifs

loads of these were radically undervoted....very few did better than they deserved.. I still cant believe my Galaxians (vertical old school video game) one only got 18.


Location: Vienna/Austria/Europe

Post Fri Sep 19, 2008 1:38 pm   Reply with quote         

TheShaman wrote:
gifs are getting WAY more votes than they would get if say they weren't moving

you know, people are like magpies, picking for everything shiny Laughing



Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder

Post Fri Sep 19, 2008 1:42 pm   Reply with quote         

yello_piggy wrote:
TheShaman wrote:
gifs are getting WAY more votes than they would get if say they weren't moving

you know, people are like magpies, picking for everything shiny Laughing

Laughing Bwhahahaha! THAT was the best answer ever!!! Laughing

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Post Fri Sep 19, 2008 1:52 pm   Reply with quote         

Gifs are fucking hard to make. (I know, I've made some too in the past)

There aren't many ones here capable of producing something with quality (yet).

Yet, there are the ones who try (which I applaud). But it's true most of them are overvoted, which I don't applaud, because it tends to downgrade the quality of them (creator is happy, no reason to upgrade your skills, continue making bad gifs)

In my opinion, GIFs should be judged first on quality (lighting, shadows, color choice, skill, etc...) The 'story' should be judged last. But it seems that most of the votes are going to the story, not the quality, and that's sad...

(if my comment makes no sense, sorry, I'm having a 38.3�C fever Smile )

the burning couch

Location: I don't know, but it sure is dark in here

Post Fri Sep 19, 2008 1:55 pm   Reply with quote         

What the hell was with the votes on this Granny?!?
friggin great one

quality first*!*

Half of writing history is hiding the truth.~ Mal

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Post Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:38 pm   Reply with quote         

Thanks for this Shaman now i don't feel like such an asshole. I have been here for three months and I have not voted for a gif yet not that I wouldn't I just see them as a cut and past that moves. I almost voted for the pocket watch one seelcraft did. I know this is and I know that animation is a tool in photoshop. I told myself when I see a chop that is really cool and done well then o shit it moves I will vote. Sorry if this pisses anyone off but he ask. o yeah ARRRRR yo ho ho almost forgot.

Miss SS

Location: Woburn Sands, UK

Post Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:41 pm   Reply with quote         

I cannot create gifs (and wouldn't know where to start to be honest) but do feel that they are generally overvoted. I do however appreciate the extra effort it takes to go into a gif and enjoy seeing them as part of the site. I class gifs in the same way that I do with stills. Execution comes first with me, being a virgoen perfectionist, and idea second. Because of this it's actually harder to get a vote from me with a gif than it is with a still, because there is so much more that can go wrong.

Am I making sense? Confused

I think that all voters should view each piece with the same expectations for quality, wether its a gif, vector, illustration or photo. I think a lot of people also vote depending on the creator which is completely wrong and fucks up the whole idea of this place - but I know this has been said many (many) times so i'll not venture into that ballpark... oops, just did Shocked Laughing Laughing


Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder

Post Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:44 pm   Reply with quote         

jerryhami wrote:
Thanks for this Shaman now i don't feel like such an asshole.

hey thats why I'm here Laughing
but I figure, I make lots of gifs now. so this is something I feel I can talk about.
At one point before I knew how to make them at all, I had been very much against all things gif.


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Post Fri Sep 19, 2008 5:53 pm   Reply with quote         

This one I did got 41 votes and was a fair amount of work. Still didn't even come close to 1st,2nd or 3rd. Same contest a GIF won.


Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack

Post Fri Sep 19, 2008 6:02 pm   Reply with quote         

I vote just as "the voices" tell me too.

I take the SORCE in mind when voting for anything. Lets face it, a good SOURCE image is hard to get these days. Just making a chop from the Blur is almost worth a vote. We are a PHOTOSHOP SITE that chops source images that are so random and out of focus a running three year old may have taken them.

I'm (or rather "the voices") are more worried about someone voting for a good source (if they really are any)other than who is giving what on the other side. I do vote for some just because it moves. I can't help it. I voted for MikeB's wrestling TV that way. Not that it was not a good chop Smile , but hell.. i had never seen it done. That was worth the vote alone. I'm no i try to keep everything I am learning in mind when i vote.

Hell i got like 25 of these things. I will sell to the highest bidder. Twisted Evil (sorry Shaman...gas prices are still up).


Location: Australia

Post Fri Sep 19, 2008 6:13 pm   Reply with quote         

it can be frustrating sometimes...

I made this one in less than 30 mins, because I just didn't have the time to create a normal image from it, it's my highest voted at 50.

then i've spent heaps of time learning new techniques and work my ass off on chops and end up with half the votes.

Oh well, gifs are good fun to make and view so if they look slick or make me laugh i'll keep voting for them.

And i'll keep making them, if I ever get some free time to chop here...

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Post Fri Sep 19, 2008 6:58 pm   Reply with quote         

I wanted to take part in your poll, but the answers were pre-determined.
1) Because OMFG its moving and I have no idea how to do that so it must be magic!

2) I vote for quality along with the fact its animated.

3) I don't vote for gifs or only unless they are outstanding.

If you had included something like:
4) I can, and do vote for whatever I like, regardless of how little sense it might make to someone else. After all, it is MY vote.

...then I could have participated.

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