the202 wrote:
4) I can, and do vote for whatever I like, regardless of how little sense it might make to someone else. After all, it is MY vote.
...then I could have participated.
Yeah thanks for that... I'd put that up there if I could. BTW you did in fact just participate.
jerry717 wrote:
For once I agree with the 202... j/k

I do think that people have the right to vote for whatever they want to vote for. That absolutely should have been in the pole and it would probably have the most votes... (especially if you animated the choice or somehow made it shiney).
I couldn't care less about the quality of a gif if it makes me laugh. For that mater, I couldn't care less about the quality of a static image if it makes me laugh. The one thing that is a certainty at this site is that the voting will always be what it is and all the whinning in the world is not EVER going to change it. I say get over to it or find a way to control the mind of the voter...

good luck with that
where have you guys been? You think this is some sort of rant about me loosing a contest and bitching I didn't win or something?
get serious.
like buck said, I wanted to have a discussion about something different. A whole different animal here at PSC. THE GIF. And the special treatment we seem to give it...
when it comes to this entity. we seem to have a few different styles when it comes to viewing them and voting for GIFS
1) those who will not vote for them no matter what
2) those who will vote for anything that moves regardless of quality
3) and those who judge gifs in the same exact way they vote for their static images (regardless of how THAT may be)
because after all they are your votes, I'm not arguing that here or bitching about who or what you put your stamp of approval on.
I would just like to see static images get a fair shake instead of loosing to something that if it wasn't moving wouldn't have even competed with it. But alas as Jerry & 202 have eloquently said... that will always be the mentality around here. AND because of that people will always rest on knowing if they have no skill, they can just animate it. Cause I'll still get great results!
again, I'd love to show the examples of really bad work that i've been seeing lately that has been placing in the top three... (and I have not participating in these contests mind you) so I was just curious....
carry on.