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Location: Yorkshire,
Mon Sep 29, 2008 4:42 pm Reply with quote
by the way, it is and always has been a Canadian site
Mon Sep 29, 2008 4:46 pm Reply with quote
I will have some popcorn with caramel please....
And I have 2 cents to put up here:
About this banning people from the site .... could we please change that in a week long cooling off period for all parties involved in the spitting contest and then a public reply from all parties involved,
this is:
to evaluate what happened
to let al parties involved think about what happened
to give them a chance to take back what was said
That will probably do more good then just shutting the door on one person, when more people are involved in a tug
Location: Las Vegas Baby!
Mon Sep 29, 2008 4:49 pm Reply with quote
pakimo wrote: janetdog wrote:
Besides, This is an American website. The majority of the participants are American. Why should the interests of some scumbag Brasillian be considered over that of an American?
 Are non-americans not as welcome as americans? 
That depends. Do you think Americans are all stupid and illiterate?
If PSC was a Norwegian site and Americans acted like scumbags, Wouldn't you ban Americans?
Honestly, I wouldn't even know how to insult a Norwegian.
Quote: splodge
Post 30 Sep 2008 03:42 am
by the way, it is and always has been a Canadian site
Oh My God! Pittsburg is now part of Canada?
_________________ chop chop
Site Moderator
Location: Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette, finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet.
Mon Sep 29, 2008 4:51 pm Reply with quote
It's pretty well known that Arc can be a prick, which is why mike shouldn't have taken it so seriously. It sucks, but I think if he hadn't typed that last sentence, he probably wouldn't have been banned. He crossed the line, and there are consequences.
Location: Anywhere but where I am.
Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:22 pm Reply with quote
janetdog wrote: pakimo wrote: janetdog wrote:
Besides, This is an American website. The majority of the participants are American. Why should the interests of some scumbag Brasillian be considered over that of an American?
 Are non-americans not as welcome as americans? 
That depends. Do you think Americans are all stupid and illiterate?
If PSC was a Norwegian site and Americans acted like scumbags, Wouldn't you ban Americans?
Honestly, I wouldn't even know how to insult a Norwegian.
Quote: splodge
Post 30 Sep 2008 03:42 am
by the way, it is and always has been a Canadian site
Oh My God! Pittsburg is now part of Canada?
Wow, I didn't notice how you can be rude janetdog. You basicly are saying american's are better. No they're not. Neither are brazilians nor norwegian nor any other nationalities. What you just sayed was something that was totally unecissary. The country, government has nothing to do with the people. Saying that it does is being racist. I am brazilian, and the people here always say bad things agaisnt americans when they don't know anything about the people there, sure, some can be mean ( like in all countries) but they just completely ignore the positive sides of a goverment, people, and country, which is what you're doing now. I prove them wrong, as I actually lived iin the us for 6 years and speak fluent english. But really, is fair too insult me and other nationalities without knowing them at all? Yeah I know arc is completely immature, rude, mean, etc... But that does NOT mean all brazilians are mean 
Location: Michi-gan
Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:41 pm Reply with quote
Mike.b. WILL be missed, I think that is crazy he got banned. Although what he said was harsh I agree with everyone else that thinks arc should be banned too. If he is such an arse then why do we keep him around especially if his rude comments led mike to retaliate. Granted mikes comments may have been against the rules but so are arcs comment to everyone.
Location: Las Vegas Baby!
Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:47 pm Reply with quote
rockyjob wrote:
Wow, I didn't notice how you can be rude janetdog. You basicly are saying american's are better. No they're not. Neither are brazilians nor norwegian nor any other nationalities. What you just sayed was something that was totally unecissary. The country, government has nothing to do with the people. Saying that it does is being racist. I am brazilian, and the people here always say bad things agaisnt americans when they don't know anything about the people there, sure, some can be mean ( like in all countries) but they just completely ignore the positive sides of a goverment, people, and country, which is what you're doing now. I prove them wrong, as I actually lived iin the us for 6 years and speak fluent english. But really, is fair too insult me and other nationalities without knowing them at all? Yeah I know arc is completely immature, rude, mean, etc... But that does NOT mean all brazilians are mean 
Obviously your fluent English has lost something in translation.
First of all, I haven't insulted anyone except scumbag arcaico. I was bringing attention to the fact that Arc insulted me by insulting my country.
Second, I never claimed anyone was better. I don't know where you got that.
Third, Aren't you part of Arcaico's family?(alias?)
_________________ chop chop
Location: Brazil
Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:47 pm Reply with quote
Did I miss something??? I didnīt call mike an illiterate... I called bush an illiterate... after all, he WAS reading a book upside down to children in 2001 9/11... wasnīt he? I said you AND yer illiterate president.... I may have called him stupid, for attacking Pete as if he was a foreigner, when itīs clearly stated on his profile heīs from Minnesota...
and I didnīt start the fight... read his words again, and see how he stated foreigners hate the US and are jealous from americans...
as for who stated this is an american site, and should belong to americans only, thatīs plain bullshit... the owner is canadian, and the best choppers in here, who bring high standards to this site, are foreigners... except for a few american choppers, such as reyrey, nancers, billtv, stevester, Scion, delucx, badcop, metalic...
now look closely...
procyon (OWNER) - Canada
anfa - UK
marcoballistic - UK
Serps - UK
vuntvunpumununt - Netherlands
chrispis - Netherlands
Micose - France
ledirlo - France
Claf - Canada
bigbuck - Australia
supak0ma - Italy
deshone - Netherlands
thbeghin - France
hellraiser - Brazil
sliver - Greece
pakimo - Norway
Alex - Canada
buglover - Germany
serious - Costa Rica
sage - Canada
L@rue - Canada
leif - Canada
by the way, someone also said I only get votes in anonimous contests... intersting thing is my most voted entry WAS NOT in an anonimous contest.
But once weīre talking about votes, letīs check the top 10 most voted images in the history of PSC:
1. Claf - Canada
2. reyrey - USA
3. anfa - UK
4. Scionshade - USA
5. metalic - USA
6. ledirlo - France
7. thbeghin - France
8. arcaico - Brazil
9. deshone - Netherlands
10. thbeghin - France
70% are foreigners... wanna get rid of the foreigners? Fine by me. But youīll be getting rid of people who made this site be what it is today. GO YANKEEESSSSS!!!
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Las Vegas Baby!
Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:53 pm Reply with quote
arcaico wrote:
70% are foreigners... wanna get rid of the foreigners? Fine by me. But youīll be getting rid of people who made this site be what it is today. GO YANKEEESSSSS!!!
Nope, Just you. You are the real problem. Why don't you find a nice site in Brasil to shit on.
_________________ chop chop
Location: Brazil
Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:57 pm Reply with quote
MODS!! MODS!! Janetdog is trying to start a fight with me!!!! 
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Mon Sep 29, 2008 6:03 pm Reply with quote
Sure...right when I'm outta popcorn.
Location: Michi-gan
Mon Sep 29, 2008 6:03 pm Reply with quote
JORDAN792 wrote: Mike.b. WILL be missed, I think that is crazy he got banned. Although what he said was harsh I agree with everyone else that thinks arc should be banned too. If he is such an arse then why do we keep him around especially if his rude comments led mike to retaliate. Granted mikes comments may have been against the rules but so are arcs comment to everyone.
Let me rephrase that I dont think arc or mike are bad people I just think that this site is no place to have an epic battle of race it is for PhotoShop and that has nothing to do with race and or religion and so on. And to Arc, I dont mean to talk out my arse and say you should be banned I do apologize cause I dont know all the facts but from what I've read your comments are always negative and that aint cool, but you do good work regardless what others say and that is what this site is for. So, to all that read this STFUAC and dont get into pissing matches if you dont want to be banned.
Location: Yorkshire,
Mon Sep 29, 2008 6:23 pm Reply with quote
yes JORDAN792,
you have the morons sussed, i will clear this post in the morning, enjoy it while it lasts,
i like JORDAN792
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