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Location: Michi-gan
Mon Sep 29, 2008 6:25 pm Reply with quote
splodge wrote: yes JORDAN792,
you have the morons sussed, i will clear this post in the morning, enjoy it while it lasts,
i like JORDAN792
Thanks man
Location: New York
Mon Sep 29, 2008 6:31 pm Reply with quote
arcaico wrote: I called bush an illiterate... after all, he WAS reading a book upside down to children in 2001 9/11... wasn´t he?
Non sequitur: reading upside down hardly constitutes illiteracy. Quite the contrary.
Mon Sep 29, 2008 6:33 pm Reply with quote
Tawiskaro wrote: arcaico wrote: I called bush an illiterate... after all, he WAS reading a book upside down to children in 2001 9/11... wasn´t he?
Non sequitur: reading upside down hardly constitutes illiteracy. Quite the contrary.
Unless you're Bush.

Site Moderator
Location: connecticut
Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:23 pm Reply with quote
L@rue: I'm eating a bag of bbq chips and drink a cocacola
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:27 pm Reply with quote
One there is no way MIKE said something ANFA has not said before. If he did the screen would have caught fire.
Mike tried to start a make a AVI thread. Just trying to have some fun. LOGIC responds with you sacre me dude, plus your avi's are wack. WHY THE HELL EVEN POST THAT bullshit? Have you not been banned enough, i remember hearing how you want your family back, and how you miss the site. SO you respond with shit like that to show it?  YET, no mod said anything about that.
The N word got him banned???......COME ON, if this is such a diverse web site what is the problem. The word is only considered offensive in AMERICA. GET REAL. I Don't want to hear all about the SLAVERY and all that shit. That is only one very small part of slavery. EVERY NATION in the WORLD has used another for slaves at one time or another. So unless you know something about that, don't start talking like you were effected directly by one small portion of a much larger picture. MORONS.. 
Location: Michi-gan
Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:36 pm Reply with quote
dewdew wrote: One there is no way MIKE said something ANFA has not said before. If he did the screen would have caught fire.
Mike tried to start a make a AVI thread. Just trying to have some fun. LOGIC responds with you sacre me dude, plus your avi's are wack. WHY THE HELL EVEN POST THAT bullshit? Have you not been banned enough, i remember hearing how you want your family back, and how you miss the site. SO you respond with shit like that to show it?  YET, no mod said anything about that.
The N word got him banned???......COME ON, if this is such a diverse web site what is the problem. The word is only considered offensive in AMERICA. GET REAL. I Don't want to hear all about the SLAVERY and all that shit. That is only one very small part of slavery. EVERY NATION in the WORLD has used another for slaves at one time or another. So unless you know something about that, don't start talking like you were effected directly by one small portion of a much larger picture. MORONS.. 
Dew'd you said it. "Everyone" should watch this, at least the first half of it, it may be offensive to some but damn it makes Dew's point so well.
Location: Belgium
Mon Sep 29, 2008 8:25 pm Reply with quote
Mike.b got banned for saying these words?
Alright.. now you got me confused.
Tell me, is banning a good option?
He was a contributing member with advantage.
Why not moderate his account so he can't participate/post topics for a week or something? Give a serious warning that if this happens again consequenses will be taken.
And second, I've read a lot of harsh words in the past on this board, AND NOTHING HAPPENED.
Mods just 'ignored' it, instead of deleting it or giving a warning.
Whatever, it's not my business. My advantage is expiring in a few days and I'm not planning to renew it because I don't like where PSC is going these days.
I like the people here, and will sure keep dropping in to say hi or vote, but renewing my advantage is something I'll do when PSC is back where it was a few years ago, even though I'm afraid that won't happen anymore.
Hopefully Proc finds a new owner who will be able to manage all this, because if he keeps this ship the way it is, he'll go down with the ship.
Location: last tee pee on the left
Mon Sep 29, 2008 8:31 pm Reply with quote
I do find this site has lots of people who love to tell others how to act, and how to do a chop. And in a real pompous sort of way.
I also disagree that the forums are not a place to talk shit. If your upset or had to many beers and someone says something to get your goat then let the two have it out. if others don't like it find a nice tree hugging topic that suits you.
But let the moderators do thier jobs, Nothing is more aggravating then to see posters ask mods to ban someone or lock a topic. If someone is acting a fool let us see so we know that persons true colors.
Unless someone is posting nude photos or going around every topic telling others to suck on his private parts i don't see the need for a banning, And deleting a topic only makes the site look like it has something to hide. Why not just lock the topic and give the two posters a warning so they can sleep it off and apologizes the next day, If you lock the topic at least the rest of us can learn what we can't get away with in the future.
This happened to me a few years back some tree hugger called me a moron so i pulled out the smack bat on his ass and Nacers banned me.
Who wants a website where you have to walk on eggshells or kiss ass?
Oh Nancers that was a very funny joke! Your photo shops are the best, Oh Nancers your so right ...sorry but that shit makes me want to barf.
If I get banned again then I will at least know it was from speaking my mind and I am sure some solider in Iraq is proud I am using my freedoms....oh wait! This is a Canadian site?
Sorry forget what I said!! I love PCS!! you people rock!!
keep up the good work!
Site Moderator
Location: connecticut
Mon Sep 29, 2008 9:20 pm Reply with quote
well since it seems that time of year when this sort of issues seem to fill the void of empty canvas lets review!
Q: What kinds of behaviors could lead to me being banned from the site?
A: While we don't like to ban people from the site, occasionally there are times when we feel it is in the best interest of the community. In general, users are banned for behavior that consistently tears down the community rather than build it up. Users are typically given warnings via private messages and the opportunity to correct their behavior prior to being banned from the site. Depending on the behavior and other variables, we reserve the right to ban a user for as long as we deem necessary.
L@rue: I'm eating a bag of bbq chips and drink a cocacola
Location: Las Vegas Baby!
Mon Sep 29, 2008 9:40 pm Reply with quote
Rocky j sent this via pm....
Quote: UM Yeah i actually speaks and write fluent English. Why would I bother spell-checkings and look through all grammer mistakes.. especially writing something to you.. Pfft.. Please...
Don't start a rant janet, you've already started one this year and it went nowhere. Laughing Laughing
Thanks for the comedy, I owes you one Very Happy Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
Wow, I guess you told me! You hit me over the head with words! Still, Nothing about content or the fact that rocky j is an alias...
_________________ chop chop
Location: Oregon
Mon Sep 29, 2008 9:42 pm Reply with quote
_________________ Due to the shape of the North American Elk's esophagus,
even if it could speak, it could not pronounce the word lasagna.
- Cliff Clavin
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Mon Sep 29, 2008 9:58 pm Reply with quote
It's going down because of the way it is. MODS:YOU CANT FIX THE SAME SOURCE IMAGES FOR 5 YEARS IN A ROW, but you can BAN members.
YOU cant change a members name, but you can delete a post or contest entry because you thought it to be OFFENSIVE, when clearly no-one else does.
Some say anything they want and if it gets too hot....the can have the thread locked, or removed from the site altogether. Others just get thier hands tied behind thier backs and everyone takes turn slapping them.
Mods stop acting like you have a GOD COMPLEX. Being Master of the Ban button does not mean you are the MAN of the Manor. NOT EVEN CLOSE.
GROW THE HELL UP, If being a AMERICAN makes you hate me...SEE a PSYCOLOGIST....that HATE is bad for you. Many are not speaking GERMAN now because of AMERICA. When the hell has your country tried to help ours or others. Where are your billions of dollars in clean bottled water for the very country we are at war with. Do you think if IRAQ bombed CHINA they would bring blankets and water?
They might but it would be for thier own men. Do you think CHINA would PUBLISH KORANS for thier POWS? WE could have fenced the OILRIGS in an told the rest of the world to FUCK OFF....What you going to do?? in the ROYAL GAURDS. America as a WHOLE has done more for the world than the WORLD has done for her. Don't bash Them Stars & Stripes. It's not the leaders that will come kick down your door and haul your ass out into then streets. Those same men that stormed the beach in Normandy had grandkids, and they are just crazy enough to storm than S.O.B again. True we have some screwed up leaders, but we are just as prideful as the day we walked off the MAYFLOWER and marched down from The HIghlands. Freedom is not free, but we are damn good at paying the price it takes to stay that way.
Location: minneapolis
Mon Sep 29, 2008 10:02 pm Reply with quote
arcaico wrote: I may have called him stupid, for attacking Pete as if he was a foreigner, when it´s clearly stated on his profile he´s from Minnesota...
Me? A foreigner? WTF!? I HATE foreigners, don't I arc?
I agree that the dude must be dumb, cause even in my sig Larue calls me an American.
Arc - Can you tell me what I said that sent this retard over the edge?
_________________ L@rue 05/24 @ 09:02 pm
I like Pete he is a good American citizen
L@rue 05/18 @ 10:32 pm
Usa rules porn movie and music and cloths sex mode all around the world
ScionShade 09/24 @ 9:05PM
.............and Pete's the normal one. Go figure.
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