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Location: hum let me think, oh i know, if you look real hard i sometimes appear in your forum's text box
Mon Sep 29, 2008 10:56 pm Reply with quote
polishmafia wrote: NOGOODSK8RPUNK wrote: i couldn't have said it better myself your still an ass and im a punk... we will always but heads together personally i think the reason you choose to give me attention is because deep down inside you have a crush on me... its ok don't be ashamed for your undying love for me... theres plenty to go around for all the members here at this place we call home... but i ain't stapling my junk to my self thats just wrong 
Its nothing personal, your threads are just so damn dumb, and pointless I might add, that its just too easy. you can always choose to not comment on them then besides its a waist of your time and it upsets people... come to think of it i haven't seen a single reply from you to any thread where you haven't been rude or an ass... have you ever stoped to think that some people may not like your replys as much as you hate my threads?
PSC is like a gang... i got beat in... if i leave... they'll beat me off!!!
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:04 pm Reply with quote
You obviously weren't here the day he got the letter with white powder in it at work. I've never seen anyone convey true fear over the internets like that
ever. Complete with pictures of the firetruck blocking his getaway car.
Man did he freak.
Location: Brazil
Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:28 pm Reply with quote
ScionShade wrote: I wouldn't trade the years I've had trading insults with that
panty sniffing pickle smoking bullocks cranking auto-ejaculate
gizm bag Pete for anything...except maybe a 2k8 Challenger
'cause it really is that hawt.
As far as Brazil goes...LEAVE ARCAICO ALONE!!!!!!!!!
Don't you scmuck nuzzling pant pirates know that Brazil scored
two of the largest oil deposit finds in the world this year?
Ya surprised me Joe... you're well informed... indeed, we did score two of the largest oil deposit finds in the world this year.
And pete is right... taking what he says seriously is plain stupid.
what these ban arc, ban pete whiners need is common sense. How many times I heard Chicken calling me a monkey? How many times leif said he'd love to fuck my girllfriend in the ass? How many times beet told me he would ban me? Do ya think I take this shit seriously? No... cause i know these guys... get to know people before taking anything they say so seriously. People like you love having yer balls rubbed... so just post a piece of crap and send a PM to marco asking him to check it out. I bet you'll all feel good after that.
And Pete, it was yer reply to the sk8r guy that incitated the rage on mike.b... (who by the way, flamed me several times before, although i didn't run to my mom crying) Then i stand up for you and he went nuts... that's all. Life goes on people... ya can all go home now.
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:35 pm Reply with quote
Just so everyone knows...I don't want ARC banned either. He is one of the few i actually like. What can i say...ASSHOLES ATTRACT OTHER ASSHOLES.  Keep the oil ARC...i want the tanned brazillian women and Clear Blue Water.
I'm just saying banning Mike is not right for the little RANT that went on.
Location: Hotel California
Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:05 am Reply with quote
ScionShade wrote: As far as Brazil goes...LEAVE ARCAICO AND SARAH PALIN ALONE!!!!!!!!!
Joe's right, you've all gone to far. Lets just drop this subject and leave Arcaico and Sarah Palin alone. 
Location: Las Vegas Baby!
Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:05 am Reply with quote
ScionShade wrote: except maybe a 2k8 Challenger
'cause it really is that hawt.
Have you seen one yet? I had the opportunity a few weeks ago at the LVMS before the Craftsman truck race.
It's a steaming pile of Dodge! Correction, It's a cheaply made steaming pile of Dodge. The interior is completely plastic. Most of it comes from other cheap steaming piles of Dodge. The fit and finish were far below par also. The paint had visible flaws. The lines between the doors and hood/trunk were not even close. If that wasn't bad enough, It wouldn't burn rubber. I say $45,000 bucks would be better spent on a Roush Mustang.
_________________ chop chop
Location: Oregon
Tue Sep 30, 2008 1:21 am Reply with quote
_________________ Due to the shape of the North American Elk's esophagus,
even if it could speak, it could not pronounce the word lasagna.
- Cliff Clavin
Location: last tee pee on the left
Tue Sep 30, 2008 1:29 am Reply with quote
mightybeet wrote: silly
its a frackin website.
No it isn't's Flippin
never say it's a silly frackin website.
or tonto may have to put his moccasin covered foot deep in your pale face tree hugging ass!
Location: Austin, TX
Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:04 am Reply with quote
janetdog wrote: ScionShade wrote: except maybe a 2k8 Challenger
'cause it really is that hawt.
Have you seen one yet? I had the opportunity a few weeks ago at the LVMS before the Craftsman truck race.
It's a steaming pile of Dodge! Correction, It's a cheaply made steaming pile of Dodge. The interior is completely plastic. Most of it comes from other cheap steaming piles of Dodge. The fit and finish were far below par also. The paint had visible flaws. The lines between the doors and hood/trunk were not even close. If that wasn't bad enough, It wouldn't burn rubber. I say $45,000 bucks would be better spent on a Roush Mustang.
Oh no. Now we're going to start another war. 
Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:44 am Reply with quote
mightybeet wrote: well since it seems that time of year when this sort of issues seem to fill the void of empty canvas lets review!
Q: What kinds of behaviors could lead to me being banned from the site?
A: While we don't like to ban people from the site, occasionally there are times when we feel it is in the best interest of the community. In general, users are banned for behavior that consistently tears down the community rather than build it up. Users are typically given warnings via private messages and the opportunity to correct their behavior prior to being banned from the site. Depending on the behavior and other variables, we reserve the right to ban a user for as long as we deem necessary.
he was provoked and never recieved his warning message ...the mods can go look in his inbox and see if there was one it was not recieved ...because he was blocked the very next day ...and still has advantage left...and yes this is an alias mikes ex girlfriend and one of his closest friends ....and he has to use me to talk to you people ....isint there something he can do ?? he has told me he should have not said it...but it was too late....arc and him got into it once before ...and he backed off....and once again it ok for people to talk crap on you ...and you not be able to do anything about it??
Location: Michi-gan
Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:05 am Reply with quote
_Tamara_ wrote: mightybeet wrote: well since it seems that time of year when this sort of issues seem to fill the void of empty canvas lets review!
Q: What kinds of behaviors could lead to me being banned from the site?
A: While we don't like to ban people from the site, occasionally there are times when we feel it is in the best interest of the community. In general, users are banned for behavior that consistently tears down the community rather than build it up. Users are typically given warnings via private messages and the opportunity to correct their behavior prior to being banned from the site. Depending on the behavior and other variables, we reserve the right to ban a user for as long as we deem necessary.
he was provoked and never recieved his warning message ...the mods can go look in his inbox and see if there was one it was not recieved ...because he was blocked the very next day ...and still has advantage left...and yes this is an alias mikes ex girlfriend and one of his closest friends ....and he has to use me to talk to you people ....isint there something he can do ?? he has told me he should have not said it...but it was too late....arc and him got into it once before ...and he backed off....and once again it ok for people to talk crap on you ...and you not be able to do anything about it??
I think mike should get a warning and have his ban lifted.Just my opinion.
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Tue Sep 30, 2008 8:27 am Reply with quote
mightybeet wrote: well since it seems that time of year when this sort of issues seem to fill the void of empty canvas lets review!
Q: What kinds of behaviors could lead to me being banned from the site?
A: While we don't like to ban people from the site, occasionally there are times when we feel it is in the best interest of the community. In general, users are banned for behavior that consistently tears down the community rather than build it up. Users are typically given warnings via private messages and the opportunity to correct their behavior prior to being banned from the site. Depending on the behavior and other variables, we reserve the right to ban a user for as long as we deem necessary.
OK so I'm curious now... just how many warnings has arc had then? I'm not sayin... I'm just sayin...
arc and I have had our fights, but we usually duke it out via PM like men. well at least till he grows tired of reading my lengthy replies.
TutorMe wrote: It's pretty well known that Arc can be a prick, which is why mike shouldn't have taken it so seriously.
or is this just a case, of everyone knows he's this way... and he's ours dammit.
kinda like that drunk uncle that gets naked at all the family reunions... nobody likes it, but he is family.... 
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