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Location: Brazil
Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:03 am Reply with quote
mightybeet wrote: i heard ya has to burn yer own poo to get the interwebs
that is... correct.
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Las Vegas Baby!
Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:45 am Reply with quote
arcaico wrote:
Oh... you found out my secret... oh... I'm so ashamed... I don't know how, but you found a pic of my neighborhood... yes, I live among all this garbage... that's... so embarassing...
in the other hand, you live in the Sin City... Las Vegas... the city that never stops... in the heart of the land of opportunity, the oh so great United States of America!! You're so lucky janetdog (I'll still refer to you as an hermaphrodite, since you say you're a guy and your nickname says you're a girl). I bet you had all kinds of education in the best schools money can pay, due to the oh so great wealth of your country.
YET, there's something I can't understand... how come you can't chop as well as someone who never had any decent education, lives in the middle of garbage, in total poverty, in a miserable condition?????
I rest my case... the monkeys that are working on the manual power generators are getting tired, so I'll run out of power supply soon...
Quite a rant you got there. Care to back it up?
Honestly, I don't think you are that great. Your pictures are technically mediocre and usually lack creativity. Extremely average compared some of the best around here.
I call you out scumbag! Lets chop one h2h!
_________________ chop chop
Location: Brazil
Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:05 am Reply with quote
janetdog wrote: arcaico wrote:
Oh... you found out my secret... oh... I'm so ashamed... I don't know how, but you found a pic of my neighborhood... yes, I live among all this garbage... that's... so embarassing...
in the other hand, you live in the Sin City... Las Vegas... the city that never stops... in the heart of the land of opportunity, the oh so great United States of America!! You're so lucky janetdog (I'll still refer to you as an hermaphrodite, since you say you're a guy and your nickname says you're a girl). I bet you had all kinds of education in the best schools money can pay, due to the oh so great wealth of your country.
YET, there's something I can't understand... how come you can't chop as well as someone who never had any decent education, lives in the middle of garbage, in total poverty, in a miserable condition?????
I rest my case... the monkeys that are working on the manual power generators are getting tired, so I'll run out of power supply soon...
Quite a rant you got there. Care to back it up?
Honestly, I don't think you are that great. Your pictures are technically mediocre and usually lack creativity. Extremely average compared some of the best around here.
I call you out scumbag! Lets chop one h2h!
I decline it. But you may propose it again after you make top 4 in two tournaments... ya know... minimum requirement to make it worth my time...
Meanwhile you can check this contest:
I believe you posted 2 entries and got 2 votes for each one, while I won the contest, 1 year advantage, a gordonk t-shirt and an ipod...
But hey... maybe you can try to find a contest where we both posted and you got more votes than me... go look for it!!! go go go go go go
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Las Vegas Baby!
Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:54 am Reply with quote
Whats the matter? Afraid you might lose? Any given Sunday I can win.
I think you are just a smack talkin' punk. Obviously insecure. (small dick)
That would explain why you are such a scumbag.
_________________ chop chop
Location: Oregon
Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:07 am Reply with quote
* sigh *
* makes more popcorn * . . . . . . . . . * lots of popcorn *

_________________ Due to the shape of the North American Elk's esophagus,
even if it could speak, it could not pronounce the word lasagna.
- Cliff Clavin
Location: Toilet
Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:15 am Reply with quote
Aaaah the old chop the head off game! beats chopping images... where's the popcorn!

Location: Photoshop Nation
Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:41 am Reply with quote
janetdog wrote: I can change my ip with a click. Ip's don't impress me.
I don't appreciate being called an illiterate hermaphrodite. Especially considering I am neither. The sad part is that everything I've posted about brasil is true. The place is a scumhole. Maybe they don't all live that way but, Unlike brazil, Americans would never allow other Americans to live that way.
To marco:
If they didn't choose to live that way, They would be here in America like the rest of the South/Central Americans working to pull themselves out of fetid cesspools. Sometimes the truth hurts. I'm just surprised the rest of the Americans around here will just lie back and take shit from a scumbag like arc.
This just in by pm again...
rockyjob -> janetdog: HAhaha you crack me up jan!! Friends? lol (01 Oct 2008 06:45 am)
Quote message
Laughing Laughing Laughing
I sent you a pm because I knew you wouldn't like to get humiliated Laughing
Please keep trying... someday you'll manage to get through me Shocked Mr. Green
this is the kind of disgusting racism that drove the world where it is now, in a pool of shit. You disgust me.
Location: last tee pee on the left
Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:19 am Reply with quote
pale face arcaico run from chop off
like frighten deer
tonto not proud
janetdog 1
arcaico 0
Location: Vienna/Austria/Europe
Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:43 am Reply with quote
absolutely neutral without emotions:
unbelievable, how much (bad) energy is going into this discussion/fight. mind your karma. beside arcs special habits, mike was not involved in trouble for the first time. when I remember right, he was planning about three times before to leave psc, because he was pissed off all the people here etc. some people need an extra, external motivation to reach their targets and wishes, for some of them it means being banned. so what? If I was a mod, I would have suggested to ban some more people, for their postings in this thread, honest. Its no need to communicate on such a level, is this how we want to have our community presented to the rest of the world? I dont!
Location: Michi-gan
Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:38 am Reply with quote
yello_piggy wrote: absolutely neutral without emotions:
unbelievable, how much (bad) energy is going into this discussion/fight. mind your karma. beside arcs special habits, mike was not involved in trouble for the first time. when I remember right, he was planning about three times before to leave psc, because he was pissed off all the people here etc. some people need an extra, external motivation to reach their targets and wishes, for some of them it means being banned. so what? If I was a mod, I would have suggested to ban some more people, for their postings in this thread, honest. Its no need to communicate on such a level, is this how we want to have our community presented to the rest of the world? I dont!

Location: Las Vegas Baby!
Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:49 am Reply with quote
supak0ma wrote: janetdog wrote: I can change my ip with a click. Ip's don't impress me.
I don't appreciate being called an illiterate hermaphrodite. Especially considering I am neither. The sad part is that everything I've posted about brasil is true. The place is a scumhole. Maybe they don't all live that way but, Unlike brazil, Americans would never allow other Americans to live that way.
To marco:
If they didn't choose to live that way, They would be here in America like the rest of the South/Central Americans working to pull themselves out of fetid cesspools. Sometimes the truth hurts. I'm just surprised the rest of the Americans around here will just lie back and take shit from a scumbag like arc.
This just in by pm again...
rockyjob -> janetdog: HAhaha you crack me up jan!! Friends? lol (01 Oct 2008 06:45 am)
Quote message
Laughing Laughing Laughing
I sent you a pm because I knew you wouldn't like to get humiliated Laughing
Please keep trying... someday you'll manage to get through me Shocked Mr. Green
this is the kind of disgusting racism that drove the world where it is now, in a pool of shit. You disgust me.
You are so off base. I don't even know how this is racism. Racism would imply that I have a problem with his skin color. I don't know, I don't care. Skin color doesn't even figure into the equation.
Nationalism maybe.
Yeah, I love my country and refuse to stand by with my thumb up my butt while some scumbag bad mouths it.
Americans donated hundreds of millions to help people in New Orleans. Doesn't look like brasilians give half a shit about their poor.
They have a saying here in America. 'People living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.'
Arc should consider fixing his own country before shitting on mine.
We have another saying that pretty much sums up my attitude towards people living in sewers. 'God helps them that help themselves.'
It means get a job and move from poverty. Judging by the 75 million people that have come to America in the last 20 years from South of the Border, I'm not the first to come to that conclusion. The people jumping our fence are poor people. Rich people fly here. I hardly doubt there is an armed guard preventing anyone from leaving brazil. Sheesh, The Cubans come here on rafts made of palm trees lashed together with bicycle inner tubes. I see Brazilians all over Vegas. I also see Colombians, Mexicans, Costa Ricans, Ethiopians, Cambodians, Chinese, Koreans, and even Italians. Their stories are all the same. They lived in a sewer, They came to America so they didn't have to live in a sewer. How is that Racist?
_________________ chop chop
Location: Photoshop Nation
Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:14 am Reply with quote
you are revealing youself for what you really are, i'm not going to fall in your silly trap. do yourself, and us, a favor and shut up.
Location: Vienna/Austria/Europe
Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:01 am Reply with quote
janetdog wrote: Americans donated hundreds of millions to help people in New Orleans. Doesn't look like brasilians give half a shit about their poor.
New Orleans was hit by a natural desaster, in Brazil, or parts of it, the problem is corruption by police in combination with organized crime and a relative weak economy. Two very different matters. So dont compare apples with bananas.
Each country has its specific problems to be solved. As a civic of your country, you have to accept, that there is a public opinion built by press and media in the rest of the world. You would be surprised, which image of the US and its people is up here in Europe (they are fat, facile and cant even find their own hometown on a map). But I, and all people around me know, that this isnt true for each of you, and that you also have brilliant and beautiful (  ) people. Even my little country (just 8 million people) is made public in a strange way. "Austrians are wearing leather-pants, yodel on the mountains and dance waltz all day". I didnt do anything out of this list ever. Or: Last weekend, we had general elections, with the result of a strong drift to the right wing. International press is seeing the nazis rising up again, and talking about Austrians in common. I did not vote for the right wing, I am very concerned about this developement too, AND I am Austrian. What shall I do? Accept it? Using any chance to bring out a reflected image of my country in all media I have access to? Or shoot back, like you do? See what I wanna tell you in a friendly way? Radical offense can be answered with a smart defense too, and not only in the same radical way. Especially on a media, where all this topics are just off-topic, like PSC.
Respect is the soultion for everything, and this is valid for each of us!
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