anfa wrote:
I really like these and I hope you do more, but couldn't you have put them all in the same thread. Now this topic has three threads in the Active Forum Topics on the front page(pushing two other threads out). Oh, and while I'm on the subject. If you see a funny picture or video or something, can you post it in the "The Official Video Link Thread ~ & other Useless Junk" thread.
Keep it tidy brother and let others have there threads seen.

In answer to your post 'anfa', the idea started as a challenge to you guys on the 'Fun & Games' forum, to come up with your own chop ideas for a 'Superheroes Comic Cover'.
But it seems like there was no takers or it just wasn't seen there... whatever
So I moved it to the more widely viewed 'General Discussion' section to see if I could get more of a response there, alas, again no takers.
So being a Taurean that I am, I decided that if everybody else was too busy or too bloody lazy, to entertain us, I'd do my own damn gallery of PSC individuals worthy of 'Hero Status'!
Now, if you don't want to be pushed off the 'Active Forum Topics' I suggest you put up, or shut up, and give me a super bloody 'Super Hero Comic Cover' and place the damn thing in the 'Other Useless Junk' thread!...
Well don't just sit there, STFUAGC!
OK! I've had my Brain Fart, now where was I?.. oh! yes, researching what an 'anfa' look like battling the Fabulous 4? BTW,You don't happen to know how one spells 'Tentacled' do you