Another thread inspired me to do this.
It would appear more than just myself would like to know a bit more about the MODs and MODding around here at PSC.
So I would really appreciate some actual info on this fine topic.
Dearest MODs (and people - PLEASE let them SPEAK!), would you mind answering just a few questions here?
A) How did you become a MOD?
B) Why do you think you are a good MOD? (if you feel you are NOT a good MOD, please quit and let someone else have a go!

C) What do you currently feel/think regarding PSC as it is in this incarnation?
D) Is there anything you'd like to see more of here at PSC?
I think if we could get a straightforward answer to the above questions from you Modfolks, that it would serve to "open" up this community a bit more and push back some of the fog that creeps up on us from time to time.
P.S. I know I know, this is weird - ReinMan being SERIOUS - but I'm sure you can handle it for just one little thread!

the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!