I've enjoyed reading this thread.

to ReinMan for posing the questions,

to the MODs so far who have answered (extra

to 202's thoroughness with inclusive historical detailing), and

to the community at large for keeping this a serious and on-topic discussion.
I still lurk here off and on. I miss my coffee-fueled hours on PSC. (More specifically, my favorite "era" during my relatively short tenure here (thus far) was about a year and a half ago, give or take.) We need more constructive threads like this, and more community-building activities like the Team Challenge (

to Eve). This has been a refreshing visit. Sleep has been getting easier with my little Masterpiece (who's now 3 months old, can you believe it?!), and I hope to not only visit but start participating more again soon.

I certainly agree that I can't complain if the community isn't as active as I'd like if I myself am not actively participating and setting that sort of example. Kudos to those who are! I plan to rejoin you (relatively) soon!