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Total Votes: 89


Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!

Post Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:33 pm   Reply with quote         

Also there has to be a line on freedom of speech, usually it would run along with most peoples common sense and decency.

otherwise freedom of speech would include vast representations of racism, sexism and various other prejudices to the extreme.

Yes everyone should be allowed to speak there mind, but within reason of common grounds of decency.

Anything above this, is exactly most of the things wrong in society today.

Obama winning from this point of view is a massive step in the right direction. But the really good news is, Obama is one of the most intelligent, well rounded Presidents in recent times, and he has a manifesto that excites many.

Obviously not all, but you cant have everyone on your side all of the time can you.


Location: around

Post Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:43 pm   Reply with quote         

The Americans must learn this :
to LIVE their lives and to LEAVE the others ( I mean people from other countries) to LIVE their lives


Location: Michi-gan

Post Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:57 pm   Reply with quote         

Blah Blah Blah...

"I'm JORDAN792 and I approve this message" Smile


Paul Von Stetina

Location: Deep Shit

Post Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:42 pm   Reply with quote         

On Wednesday, Politico reported that Obama was strongly considering putting Kennedy at the head of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Robert Kennedy Jr
This would be so cool, and very good for the environment, I know Bobby and his family from Nassau, where he also fought to help save a large natural/historical area from destruction on Clifton point, talk about a complete turnaround on environmental policy for us. Wink


Location: High Bridge, New Jersey

Post Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:55 pm   Reply with quote         

annajon wrote:
backwoodschopper wrote:
Generations will read of this! We just watched history in action!
Verry few men have changed the world! I'm just happy to have been alive to see this amazing moment happen

You left out Roosevelt (not T., he was vice president first and became president later), I mean Roosevelt F.D. - who was four times chosen as President of the USA 1933 till 1945, while he was in a wheelchair.... after surviving poliomeylitis in 1921 - He founded the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (read) and has his face on the US dime because of it. He also believed in the hydrotherapy treatment to overcome the paralysis, so he bought land and created two treatment centers and set up research projects (together with the phylantropist Basil o'Connor - )

You're right: of all the prez picced there, only Johnson (and maybe Lincoln) was an 'enacter' like FDR. Right now, Obama is a figurehead, like Kennedy; hopefully he'll be able to be his own enacter!

Chemists have solutions!

Post Thu Nov 06, 2008 12:16 am   Reply with quote         

FootFungas wrote:
I hope that I'm wrong about what Obama will do, but it seems like hes gonna move us in a bad direction in many respects.

No way. I think you're wrong.
FootFungas wrote:
I mean, you're from Canada, where the Human Rights Commission is fining people for speaking their mind.
I don't know if you support the organization or not, but I don't want that in the U.S.

Laughing Laughing
Heheeeee... you're tough with me... too much English to read...
Yeah... euhhh... The Canada's Human Rights Commissions... hmmm... this is a funny weird thing.
To reach judgments on the basis of no fixed law isn't really a bad thing if the judgments are smart & right.
So it is enough problematic. In Canada, things are so badly planned & organized, they seem completely lost
between being tolerant and drawing a line... and some visible minorities, especially some radical Muslims are taking advantage of it.
This is sometimes so f*"šn dumb!
Usually, there's some problems with the immigrants who take too seriously their beliefs & traditions.
Those stupid stories about young Muslims students who carry their kirpans at school,
or the Muslim member of the RCM (Canada's national police force) who wear his turban at work... we are
sometimes incredibly & stupidly tolerant. If I decide for any reason to move to an Arabian country
(I'll not do it), I'll not wear my hockey helmet at work.


Location: Quebec (CAN) & France

Post Thu Nov 06, 2008 12:41 am   Reply with quote         


Location: Quebec (CAN) & France

Post Thu Nov 06, 2008 12:45 am   Reply with quote         

Claf wrote:
FootFungas wrote:
I hope that I'm wrong about what Obama will do, but it seems like hes gonna move us in a bad direction in many respects.

No way. I think you're wrong.
FootFungas wrote:
I mean, you're from Canada, where the Human Rights Commission is fining people for speaking their mind.
I don't know if you support the organization or not, but I don't want that in the U.S.

Laughing Laughing
Heheeeee... you're tough with me... too much English to read...
Yeah... euhhh... The Canada's Human Rights Commissions... hmmm... this is a funny weird thing.
To reach judgments on the basis of no fixed law isn't really a bad thing if the judgments are smart & right.
So it is enough problematic. In Canada, things are so badly planned & organized, they seem completely lost
between being tolerant and drawing a line... and some visible minorities, especially some radical Muslims are taking advantage of it.
This is sometimes so f*"šn dumb!
Usually, there's some problems with the immigrants who take too seriously their beliefs & traditions.
Those stupid stories about young Muslims students who carry their kirpans at school,
or the Muslim member of the RCM (Canada's national police force) who wear his turban at work... we are
sometimes incredibly & stupidly tolerant. If I decide for any reason to move to an Arabian country
(I'll not do it), I'll not wear my hockey helmet at work.

I VE BEEN TOLD THAT IF UR A MUSLIM AND A MAN U CANT BE asked for ur papers by a chick cop, a female cop...... (sorry for capslock)

Location: Quebec (CAN) & France

Post Thu Nov 06, 2008 12:48 am   Reply with quote         

TheShaman wrote:
FootFungas wrote:
Sad You guys are making me more depressed.
It always worries me when Europeans are wholeheartedly behind a presidential candidate.
The French where partying in the street when they heard Obama won. Not good.

yeah but... better than them wanting us to all die isn't it?

we are Claude said Smile we feel like ...breathing.....and whatever it was time to party for sthg......for months we have a shit to party....

Post Thu Nov 06, 2008 12:52 am   Reply with quote         

Micose wrote:
I VE BEEN TOLD THAT IF UR A MUSLIM AND A MAN U CANT BE asked for ur papers by a chick cop, a female cop...... (sorry for capslock)

Laughing Laughing
Yeah... they asked for that right. But the answer was ... "F*@# YOU" ... in a much more diplomatic way. Laughing


Location: Everywhere

Post Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:05 am   Reply with quote         

AtHeaMo wrote:
After EIGHT years of Bush.....

I. Am. So. Happy. Now.

Amen! Very Happy



Location: Uranus

Post Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:14 am   Reply with quote         





Location: home

Post Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:28 am   Reply with quote         

Hey I thought this topic was off limits? BAN them all Laughing

Post Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:59 am   Reply with quote         

*said something that didn't makes sense.... so nvm*

I used to do stuff around here

Location: East Coast!

Post Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:53 am   Reply with quote         

marcoballistic wrote:
Also there has to be a line on freedom of speech, usually it would run along with most peoples common sense and decency.

otherwise freedom of speech would include vast representations of racism, sexism and various other prejudices to the extreme.

Yes everyone should be allowed to speak there mind, but within reason of common grounds of decency.

Anything above this, is exactly most of the things wrong in society today.

The problem there is that the government gets to define "common grounds of decency" And that's a slippery slope. If you don't defend the whole freedom, then its gonna erode away piece by piece.

Look out behind you!

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