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Location: Australia
Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:00 pm Reply with quote
Ok been here done that before and like the Splodge has pointed out answers have been given just not acted upon, as is the right for who ever acts upon stuff around here. So.......
Structure. Yep Reindude has a point but with the old days it was a small membership and most were of the same mind, but thats not to say that the old days were wrong just different and for a lot of people, me included more fun.
We don't want to regress the site and don't need to but we can make it more appealing for a lot of people with better structure.
Lets have set calendar events i.e.
1. Scavhunt
2. Teamchops
3. Chop the chopper events as part of the contests
4. Selected H2H events
and so many more ideas that have been suggested and used in the past.
For this to work you need some thing like a entertainment committee that wants to be involved with the setting up and the preparing of these type of events. They don't have to be every week or month but on a set date and advertised early. Lets use some of the addspace around here to advertise up coming events and use the pm system to inform people. Leave the Mods to do mod stuff, they have enough to do as it is.
With structure and a team to set events up, we may just know whats going on and when things are happening. Other things that would help the emotional side of things is a better code of conduct, we have so many unwritten rules and not to many in writing, i.e.
1. Active images being discussed
2. Discipline guide lines, that are a little more ridged.
3. Forum guidelines with respect to Photoshop content and personal content.
and many more ideas people are sure to have.
I love this place and I know I have not been active much of late but I still lurker ever day, Im worried that what we had as a community is dying and the new order of things is not up to the standards that we all should want. (Proc mate not having a go here just saying how I see it)
There are many people here all with ideas and suggestions of what would make this place better or worse, but in the end if we have clear rules and structure and communication most people will find something that will keep them interested.
(Steps off soapbox and hides back in the rafters)
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:13 pm Reply with quote
I just LOVE the smell of SOAP on your feet, Blurker! 
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: Australia
Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:29 pm Reply with quote
ReinMan wrote: I just LOVE the smell of SOAP on your feet, Blurker! 
I told you before Rein I dont swing that way... any more
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:37 pm Reply with quote
blue_lurker wrote: ReinMan wrote: I just LOVE the smell of SOAP on your feet, Blurker! 
I told you before Rein I dont swing that way... any more
BTW: MY feet smell of freshly crushed hamsters!

the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Sat Nov 15, 2008 12:49 am Reply with quote
Speaking of soap, my fave is The Young and the Restless...  or is that The Weak and the Lonely...
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Sat Nov 15, 2008 12:44 pm Reply with quote
Paul Von Stetina wrote: Speaking of soap, my fave is The Young and the Restless...  or is that The Weak and the Lonely...
Guess which one it is for YOU, Paul.

the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Sat Nov 15, 2008 9:00 pm Reply with quote
this thread will be covered in lime jello an we all be wrestlin' in it any second now yuk yuk
Location: Virginia, USA
Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:21 pm Reply with quote
Hi - well, the reason I haven't been entering anything lately is because I've been going through some really hard times and have no mental energy to be even the littlest bit creative  I kept trying to push through it but when my last entry got only one vote (after I'd spent a hell of a long time on it), I figured I'd better give it a rest for a while.
But I'll be back.
Maliciously Delicious
Location: The Deathsert
Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:50 pm Reply with quote
I think its the busy season in peoples lives with the holidays and such. But I would also like to say this community of choppers although fun and friendly are very biased of their votes compared to the new chopper. This could easily turn away alot of other people in the chop community. I do not feel this way because I have gotten votes and very nice comments but I can see where some votes were clearly friend related. I know that is a whole topic in its self and it has been beaten into the ground just merely saying thats a possibility. I don't know if I should bring this up or not, but it seems like the re-occurring winners have clearly spent alot of time on their entry. WHAT IF, there was no ADVANTAGE members, how do you think the end results would come out? Even in the anonymous contest advantage members still get the source before hand right? I think the advantage really drives us regulars out of business therefore pigeon holing the contest. (did he just say pigeon holing) just my thoughts and am interested to see if anything changes of course. 
_________________ "When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us."
- Alexander Graham Bell
Location: Australia
Tue Nov 18, 2008 4:11 am Reply with quote
Maliciously Delicious wrote: I think its the busy season in peoples lives with the holidays and such. But I would also like to say this community of choppers although fun and friendly are very biased of their votes compared to the new chopper. This could easily turn away alot of other people in the chop community. I do not feel this way because I have gotten votes and very nice comments but I can see where some votes were clearly friend related. I know that is a whole topic in its self and it has been beaten into the ground just merely saying thats a possibility. I don't know if I should bring this up or not, but it seems like the re-occurring winners have clearly spent alot of time on their entry. WHAT IF, there was no ADVANTAGE members, how do you think the end results would come out? Even in the anonymous contest advantage members still get the source before hand right? I think the advantage really drives us regulars out of business therefore pigeon holing the contest. (did he just say pigeon holing) just my thoughts and am interested to see if anything changes of course. 
I take offence to the part about being biased with my votes, old or new chopper thought processes are what's killing this place,the US and Them mentality cant work as a community. Making the assumption about voting with out knowing the history of PSC has always caused many conflicts with members.
With respect to re-occurring winners, I just guess their got better skills than others, yes Advantage is just that an advantage it still requires skill and creativity to make a winning chop no matter how you beleive the voting goes.
I dont know what you mean buy us "regulars", I come here every day of the year and some times twice a day and I dont chop any more but I enjoy the art and the friends...take away advantage and the site closes its where the money is made.
Just some thing to think about if the friend vote is such a problem then you would think it would fall the other way...because there are a lot more non-advantage members here than there are advantage member.
I know Im going to get flack from all you new guys about what I have said above...Im use to it...but remember I pay my way here and dont chop all that much...leave most people alone and have my 2cents worth now and then...I think I have contributed a few times to help this place along...what have you done to keep the place running?
Location: On the way to Utopia!
Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:36 am Reply with quote
Well… it’s the season in the first place: X-mass cards and stuff.
Three weeks ago I had a little accident and contused both knees. Couldn’t sit much longer than a half/one hour and than I have to walk (stumble) my rounds otherwise my legs become rigid. It’s much better now, but not over. Off course I make my entries for the TC 08, but couldn’t do the regular chops.
And than… my pc goes down! It lasted largely a week for his coma ended up. A friend has been busy a complete day to bring him back into life. That was yesterday… I’ll be back!
I look forward to the Kris Kringle chops already! 
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:10 am Reply with quote
blue_lurker wrote:
I take offence to the part about being biased with my votes, old or new chopper thought processes are what's killing this place,the US and Them mentality cant work as a community. Making the assumption about voting with out knowing the history of PSC has always caused many conflicts with members.
With respect to re-occurring winners, I just guess their got better skills than others, yes Advantage is just that an advantage it still requires skill and creativity to make a winning chop no matter how you beleive the voting goes.
I dont know what you mean buy us "regulars", I come here every day of the year and some times twice a day and I dont chop any more but I enjoy the art and the friends...take away advantage and the site closes its where the money is made.
Just some thing to think about if the friend vote is such a problem then you would think it would fall the other way...because there are a lot more non-advantage members here than there are advantage member.
I know Im going to get flack from all you new guys about what I have said above...Im use to it...but remember I pay my way here and dont chop all that much...leave most people alone and have my 2cents worth now and then...I think I have contributed a few times to help this place along...what have you done to keep the place running?
I could not agree more with you on your points made here Blue.
Fact is, even since the time I joined, newbies have changed, they come here and expect susccess and votes, which is great, yet the skills have to match. We have seen this with some real fresh faces getting placed results and even some win really early on.
But so many go on about how unfair the advantage system is, no it isn't, we all pay for it, and as you say Blue, its what makes the site what it is, and indeed makes it exist at all.
So buy advantage if your serious enough, if your a casual chopper or partaker in events here, then stay non advantage and have fun.
Location: Australia
Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:36 am Reply with quote
Thanks for the vote of support marco but judging by the lack of interest in this thread indicates to me the lack of interest to the site from all them regular members.
Oh and to Maliciously Delicious, it would have been nice of you to at least check up on threads when you make statements that are a little vindictive. Would have been nice to hear your views on just how to fix the problems.
My advantage expires in 2 days so I guess for me its not worth the time and effort any more, will let all them great regular folks have there day, sad times my friend sad times. Its been fun.
Post Note
Just when I feel this place has lost its heart, people amaze me to eve and buck thank you for uplifting me from a massive slump with your generosity and giving hearts it means a great deal to me.
Location: Michi-gan
Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:37 am Reply with quote
You know, me being somewhat new here thinks it's ridiculous to say advantage is not fair to regular members. I was a non advantage member for a couple months and when I started to notice I was getting a fairly consistent or increasing amount of votes on my chops, I thought to myself, "self, why the hell dont you spend the measly $10 and get advantage" I never thought that it was unfair. They give you the option to join. Yeah it cost money but what internet site can you find that doesn't need money to run.
So in exchange for my measly $10 I get to see the sources early and post larger images. That needs to be implemented into the site or the site will go broke and no longer exist. If anyone is upset that they dont get enough votes then buy advantage. It's cheap and if your skills are up to par then you will get votes. If you dont wanna pay then dont, and STFUAC just for the shear pleasure and artistic expression.
Yes advant members win most contests, that should encourage non advant to join thus creating more business and overall a more appealing site to outsiders. I think that is the goal here. 
Maliciously Delicious
Location: The Deathsert
Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:51 am Reply with quote
I wasn't complaining about being an advantage member or not. Just stating my opinion of some possible reasons why there is lack of interest on this site. Because it is apparent there is.
_________________ "When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us."
- Alexander Graham Bell
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