Right click the zipped file...select EXTRACT HERE...don't pay attention to all the text..just click next until you get to FINISHED. Right beside your zipped file or folder you should see a NORMAL looking file with the same name as the zipped one. Those are your UN-ZIPPED ONES.
I'm FLUENT in "IDIOT".....

speaking of which....i made a folder in PS.
C:/programs/adobe/cs3/presets. In presets folder i made a new folder and named it "psfonts". I guess it works...i downloaded 2500 for free once from a thread here. When i hit the scroll down arrow for the text.....

....i can get finger cramps from scolling to oblivion. All those fonts make finding the one you want REAL FUN TOO.
I don't get any lag during the initial loading of PS...not until i hit the text key.....then it takes a while for ps to write sample 2500 times.