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Location: Photoshop Nation
Fri Dec 12, 2008 6:06 am Reply with quote
it was a cold february morning of 2004, i had a fair opinion about my ps skills, i say let's see if there are some photoshop contests sites out there and bam! here comes first comment from chopper...a sarcastic one. I then realized how much i really sucked. From then i started working hard to improve and with some results!! I miss chopping but every time i try watching at a source all i see is reinman's face! please help.
I almost forgot...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Location: dutchy in germany > in Slovenia
Fri Dec 12, 2008 6:26 am Reply with quote
*Happy birthday tooo youuuuu! Happy birthday toooo youuuuu! Happy Birthday PSCheee.... Haaappy birthdaaay tooooooooo youuuuu!*
I have been away from PSC for nearly 1,5 years, but it never got completely out of my mind. Regulary I thought about this community and now and then I took a peek how things were going here.
A couple of days ago, in the middle of the night, memories and the names of members came into my head and I would have almost jumped out of bed to re-join psc.
So that is what I did the very next day and I am really touched by the way people welcomed me back! I did not expect such cool reactions. Within a few days I felt as if I never was away.
Thanks to all of you guys (and girls) for making PSC the greatest community on the web. Happy birthday! 
Location: Hamburg, Germany, Europe, right hand of the USA
Fri Dec 12, 2008 7:41 am Reply with quote
Happy Birthday PSC!
Wow 2.5 years ago I did my last post. I tried several times to chop something – but the are times for this and and times for that.
This community was a great experience when I joined. I had a lot of fun and always spend more time in checking if I got new comments than it took me to chop the entry. Thanks to all the great fellows that make this community roll and keep it up.
This is the actual reason why there is no real time for chopping right now:
But like I said before: the are times for this and and times for that.
So cu! BL
_________________ Once he was addicted to psc - Now he's dead and free.
Location: the Netherlands
Fri Dec 12, 2008 8:27 am Reply with quote
I joined PSC on 16 Jan 2004.
The first 1 1/2 years I was very active.
After that I was here now and then and more active at PSFO, where I was a mod , but now I'm back again and also became a advantage member. At last!
A very happy birthday to PSC

_________________ Also known as the Kaleidoscope King!
Location: dutchy in germany > in Slovenia
Fri Dec 12, 2008 9:21 am Reply with quote
buglover wrote: .........This is the actual reason why there is no real time for chopping right now........
Awwwww! Adorable kids you have! You must be very proud 
Location: Back where I belong.
Fri Dec 12, 2008 9:55 am Reply with quote
Hoppy Berfday PSC! 
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: Massachusetts
Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:09 am Reply with quote
Happy Birthday, PSC!
I've been reading the thread, and I will try to put some of my own thoughts into another post before the day is over (PSC time).  (I haven't done so yet because it's hard to concentrate with a head cold.  Worst cold I've had in years! Thankfully, Evie and Mr. Caf seem unafflicted.)
Location: Livonia, Michigan
Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:38 am Reply with quote
Happy Birthday PSC
I can't believe that it has been 7 years. I came to this site after seeing a feature about in on the Howard Stern show. I lurked for about a month or so and found the site to be quite funny. What appealed to me was the fast and furious chopping. It was a race to post the funniest or most absurd image and do so before anyone else. (OH Yeah, and do so in 60k or less.) Obviously that was well before "Advantage" I finally joined the site May 09 2002. I'm still around once in awhile but I do miss the original format of this site.
Well, I hope that PSC gets to enjoy another 7 years and I'm sure that I'll continue to post from time to time. This has truly been a very fun and enjoyable site and It is filled with very talented and remarkable people. I can't imagine that a web community exists anywhere to equal this one.
Cheers and Happy Birthday again to all of PSC and it's people. You all are what makes this site what it is.
Site Moderator
Location: North Carolina
Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:45 am Reply with quote
I came here in December 2003, right before I was about to graduate from college. I arrived during one of the real golden ages of PSC, when many of the ideas were still fresh and new and both the chopper and the voter cared about the crispness and quality of the chop and this lasted for a couple of years and that was when PSC boomed. But ideas get used up and standards drop; it's inevitable. While the greats of old may not be here anymore, there are a number of new choppers that remind us of what it was like back then and keep PSC going strong even today. And it's always fun to watch and see when that next great chopper comes along and makes a name for themselves or to see an older member strive to do better and step up to a new level. While the contests and the content have changed a lot, the constants are the community and the fact that this site is one of the best tools on the net through which to improve your photoshop skills in a fun and competitive environment. I went from using Picture It 99 in my first contests to using PSCS2 fluently within about 2 years simply through working on contest entries and it has paid off for me even outside of this site, so thanks PSC for what you are and happy birthday.
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Fri Dec 12, 2008 11:04 am Reply with quote
That about sez it all! I've done my best to get involved with this INSANE WACKY TROUBLESOME WONDERFUL CONCEITED GIVING LOVING GOBSMACKING HATEFUL RABBLE-ROUSING BADGER-BAITING community. Sometimes I've succeeded.
So many friends from so many places. I won't fuck with ya: you all mean so much to me. Thanks PSC. And may you have at least 7 more! 
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Fri Dec 12, 2008 11:25 am Reply with quote
That's IT ReinMan!!!
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:28 pm Reply with quote
Hiya Anfa, happy holidays pal.
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Location: Glendale, Az.
Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:33 pm Reply with quote
I first came to PSC approximately four and a half years ago while recovering from very serious abdominal surgery.At that time, I simply had an interest in the Photoshop program and the opportunity it offered a digital image hobbyist to construct images that might be artistically interesting. And I don't even remember how I found the PSC site. What I do remember is that it stirred a creative passion in me that almost always translated into uninspiring and technically inferior images. However, site members were very supportive in their comments, and no one ever suggested that I find another more constructive way to use my time. People I will probably never personally meet and many of whom whose real names I will never know connected with me and shared their experience,time, talent, energy and good will to "lift me up and help me be more than I could be". When my wife was dying of cancer in 2006, the PSC community was magnanimously supportive and generous with their prayers and words of inspiration and encouragement. And during that time,We received bouquets of both real and digital flowers from the PSC community which represented the community's kind, thoughtful and loving response to this sad and very difficult time in the life of our family. I can honestly say that I have never met a person on this site whom I did not like. I have had honest exchanges of opinion with many people. We did not always agree, but I always felt that our ideas were shared with mutual respect and a willingness to fairly listen to the other person's point of view.
In the grand scheme of things, PSC has been for me a sharing of all the natural cycles of life- living and growing,rejoicing and sharing in relationships and marriage,suffering in illnesss and death and ultimately in the pursuit of a universal connectedness that binds us all together and yet transcends the time and space in which we live.
For all of this, I am so very grateful!
And although I rarely enter contests anymore or participate in forum exchanges, I remember with gratitude the kindnesses extended to me by so many members of the PSC community. May you all be blessed with more than an abundance of loving kindness and the satisfaction of happy,prosperous and fulfilling lives.
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